’From Smalltalk 5.5k XM November 24 on 22 November 1980 at 2:57:08 am.’
Class new title: ’Form’
    subclassof: Object
    fields: ’extent bits offset figure ground’
    declare: ’brush aurora black white aurorarunning SPARE color formmenu under reverse blankcursor over dotsetter ’;

This class is a virtual bit map represented as a smalltalk String

    ["sets up colors and effects for BITBLT."
    black ← 0-1.
    white ← 0.
    over ← 0.
    under ← 1.
    reverse ← 2.
    brush ← Form new extent: 5⌾5. brush black.
    color ← 1.
formmenu ← Menu new string:
    dotsetter ← BitBlt new init." a BitBlt for pattern access."
    dotsetter width ← 1.
    dotsetter height ← 1.
    aurorarunning ← false.
    aurora ← "Aurora new" nil.
extent: extent
    ["creates a virtual bit map with width = (extent x) and height = (extent y) with the bits all 1."
    self extent: extent figure: 0 ground: 1 offset: (0⌾0).
extent: extent figure: figure ground: ground offset: offset
    ["creates a virtual bit map with width = (extent x) and height = (extent y) with the bits all 1."
    bits← String new: 2*(extent y)*( ((extent x) +15) /16).
fromImage: image
    ["creates a virtual bit map with width = (image width) and height = (image height) with the bits in image."
    self extent: image extent.
    bits← (image rectangle) bitsIntoString
fromrectangle: r
    ["creates a virtual bit map with width = (r width) and height = (r height) with the bits in r."
    self extent: r extent.
    bits← r bitsIntoString
    fromuser | r
    ["create a new Form whose rectangle is specified by the user. "
    r ← Rectangle new fromuser.
    self extent: r extent.
    bits← r bitsIntoString
fromuserevenword | r
    ["create a new Form whose rectangle is specified by the user,
        truncated to nearest multiple of 16 (for Spruce printing). "
    r ← Rectangle new fromuserevenword.
    self extent: r extent.
    bits← r bitsIntoString

    ["return the string containing the bits)"
    ⇑ bits
bits: bits
    ["reset the string containing the bits)"
black | i
    ["sets all bits in the form to black ( to ones)"
    for⦂ i to: bits length do⦂ [ bits◦i ← 0-1]
black: pt
    ["sets the bit at pt in the form to black ( to one)"
    (((0⌾0) ≤ pt) and⦂ (pt ≤ extent)) ⇒
        dotsetter destbase ← bits.
        dotsetter destraster ← (extent x +15)/16.
        dotsetter destx ← pt x.
        dotsetter desty ← pt y.
        dotsetter fill: storing color: black
gray | i
    ["sets all bits in the form to gray ( to gray)"
    for⦂ i to: bits length do⦂ [ bits◦i ← 025252]
white | i
    ["sets all bits in the form to white ( to zeros)"
    for⦂ i to: bits length do⦂ [ bits◦i ← 0]

    ["return the extent (width⌾height) of the Form"
    ⇑ extent
    ["return the figure( color assiciated with black) for the form "
    ⇑ figure
figure: figure
    ["set the figure ( color assiciated with black) for the form "
    ["return the ground ( color assiciated with white) for the form "
    ⇑ ground
ground: ground
    ["set the ground ( color assiciated with white) for the form "
    ["return the height of the Form"
    ⇑ extent y
length [ ⇑ bits length]
    ["return the offset of the Form"
    ⇑ offset
offset: offset
    ["set the offset of the form "
    ⇑ self
    ["return the width of the Form"
    ⇑ extent x

read: filename | f strip w h form stripheight leftoverlines i
    ["Reads the Form from the disk in the format width,height,bits."
    f← (dp0 oldFile: filename).
    f readonly.
    w ← (f nextword).
    h ←(f nextword).
    extent ← w⌾h.
    w*h < 64000⇒
        [bits ← (Form new extent: extent) bits.
        f into: bits.
        f close.
    f close.
    user notify: ’too many bits to be a Form’.
write: filename
    ["Saves the Form in the format width,height,bits."
    (dp0 file: filename)
        nextword← (self width);
        nextword← (self height);
        append: bits;

displayat: path effect: effect clippedBy: cliprect| r i clippedrect
    ["basic form display primitive"
    path is: Point ⇒
                [ r ← Rectangle new origin: path extent: (self extent).
                                    r bitsFromString: bits mode: effect clippedBy: cliprect.
                [user displayoffwhile⦂
                        clippedrect ← r intersect: (user screenrect).
                        aurora destination: clippedrect ; source: clippedrect ;
                        figure: figure ; ground: ground ; function: 002117 "AoverB" ;
                         doit; function: 0 ; doit.
    path is: Path ⇒ [for⦂ i to: path length do⦂ [ self displayat: path◦i
                                                effect: effect clippedBy: cliprect] ]

asInstance | s
    [s ← Stream new default.
    s nextPoint← extent.
    s nextPoint← offset.
    s nextword ← figure.
    s nextword ← ground.
    s nextString ← bits.
    ⇑ s contents
copy | t
    ["return a copy of myself"
    t ← Form new extent: extent.
    t bits: bits copy.
    ⇑ t
fromInstance: file
    extent ← file nextPoint.
    offset ← file nextPoint.
    figure ← file nextword.
    ground ← file nextword.
    bits ← file nextString.
    ⇑ self
fromPress: press value: s | nbytes [
    extent← s nextPoint.
    offset← s nextPoint.
    figure ← s nextword.
    ground ← s nextword.
    nbytes ← 2*(extent y)*((extent x + 15)/16).
    (press data) skip: 0-nbytes.
    bits ← (press data) next: nbytes]
hideData: complete | s
    ["a Form does not split across page boundaries"
    Stream new of: (s ← String new: 12);
        nextPoint← extent;
        nextPoint← offset;
        nextword ← figure;
        nextword ← ground.
    ⇑ s]
hidePress: press complete: c [
    press skipcode: self pressCode data: (self hideData: c)]
pressCode [⇑5]
presson: press in: r | hs y [
    (hs ← press scale*self height) > r height⇒ [
        "not enough room left on current page.
        assume for now that it will at least fit on an entire page"

    press setp: (r origin x)⌾(y ← r corner y - hs);
        bitmap: self bits: bits.

arc: parentimage | pt1 pt2 pt3 path pt
    ["arc tool for forms."
    BlankCursor topage1.
    until⦂ user redbug do⦂    [ pt1 ← self blinkbrush: parentimage].
    brush displayat: pt1 effect: color clippedBy: user screenrect.
    until⦂ user nobug do⦂        [ pt2 ← self blinkbrush: parentimage].
    brush displayat: pt2 effect: color clippedBy: user screenrect.
    until⦂ user redbug do⦂    [ pt3 ← self blinkbrush: parentimage].
    brush displayat: pt3 effect: color clippedBy: user screenrect.
    path ← Path new init.
    path addarcfrom: pt1 via: pt2 to: pt3.
    for⦂ pt from: path do⦂
                    [ brush displayat: pt effect: color clippedBy: user screenrect].
    NormalCursor topage1
blinkbrush: parentimage | pt
    ["to show current position of brush in the form."
        pt ← parentimage mp.
        brush displayat: (parentimage rectangle origin)+ pt
            effect: 2 clippedBy: user screenrect.
        brush displayat: (parentimage rectangle origin)+ pt
            effect: 2 clippedBy: user screenrect.
    ⇑ (parentimage rectangle origin)+ pt
edit: parentimage | pt f c file
    ["Simple Form editor for now."
    until⦂ false do⦂ "forever for now"
        [pt ← parentimage mp." blink the current brush"
        BlankCursor topage1.
        self blinkbrush: parentimage.
        user redbug ⇒         [ parentimage contains:
                                        (pt ← self blinkbrush: parentimage)⇒
                                            [brush displayat: pt effect: color
                                                    clippedBy: parentimage rectangle.
                                            while⦂ user redbug do⦂
                                                [brush displayat:
                                                    (self blinkbrush: parentimage) effect: color
                                                        clippedBy: parentimage rectangle.
                                    NormalCursor topage1.
                                    bits← (parentimage rectangle) bitsIntoString.
                                    ⇑ self.
        user kbck⇒ [
                            c ← user kbd.
                            c = 120⇒
                                [ user clearshow: ’x gridding is ’. parentimage xgrid print.
                                user cr.
                                parentimage xgrid:
                                (user request: ’x gridding . . . ’) asInteger.
                            c = 121⇒
                                [ user clearshow: ’y gridding is ’. parentimage ygrid print.
                                user cr.
                                parentimage ygrid:
                                (user request: ’y gridding . . . ’) asInteger.
                            c = 114⇒
                                file ←(user request: ’filename of Form . . .’) .
                                brush ←Form new read: file. brush figure: 1 ; ground: 0.
        user yellowbug ⇒    [
            NormalCursor topage1.
            formmenu bug
                =1⇒    [self newbrush: parentimage ]; "get a new brush"
                =2⇒    [color ← 1.]; "set the color of the brush to black"
                =3⇒    [color ← 3.]; "set the color of the brush to white"
                =4⇒    [self line: parentimage];
                =5⇒    [self arc: parentimage];
                =6⇒    [self white. parentimage display];
                                            "erase the whole form"
                =7⇒    [self resize: parentimage
                        ]; "change size"
                =8⇒    [self setfigure: parentimage];
                =9⇒    [self setground: parentimage]
                user bluebug ⇒         [bits← (parentimage rectangle) bitsIntoString.
                                    NormalCursor topage1. ⇑ self.
                                    ] "exit back to the parentimage"
line: parentimage | pt1 pt2 path pt
    ["line tool for forms."
    BlankCursor topage1.
    until⦂ user redbug do⦂    [ pt1 ← self blinkbrush: parentimage].
    brush displayat: pt1 effect: color clippedBy: user screenrect.
    until⦂ user nobug do⦂        [ pt2 ← self blinkbrush: parentimage].
    brush displayat: pt2 effect: color clippedBy: user screenrect.
    path ← Path new init.
    path addlinefrom: pt1 to: pt2.
    for⦂ pt from: path do⦂
                    [ brush displayat: pt effect: color clippedBy: user screenrect].
    NormalCursor topage1
newbrush: superimage | pt rect
    OriginCursor topage1.
    user waitbug.
    pt ← ( superimage mp)+ superimage rectangle origin.
    rect ← pt rect: pt.    
    CornerCursor topage1.
    until⦂ user nobug do⦂
            [rect reverse.
            rect reverse.
            pt ←
            ( superimage mp)+ superimage rectangle origin.
            rect corner ← (rect origin) max: pt.
    brush ← Form new fromrectangle: rect.
    NormalCursor topage1.
resize: superimage | pt f
    [superimage boxcomp.
    CornerCursor topage1.
    user waitbug.
    until⦂ user nobug do⦂
            [superimage reverse.
            superimage reverse.
            ( pt ←
            ((superimage superimage) mp)+
                ((superimage superimage) rectangle origin)).
            superimage corner← pt max: ((superimage origin) + (16⌾16)).
    f←Form new fromrectangle: superimage rectangle.
    bits ← f bits.
    extent← f extent .
    offset ← 0⌾0.
    superimage white ;
                        resize ; display ; boxcomp.
    NormalCursor topage1.
setfigure: parentimage |
    ["for now just increment the figure color by 1 \ 14"
    figure ← (figure +1 ) \ 14.
    self displayat: (parentimage origin) effect: 0 clippedBy: user screenrect.
setground: parentimage |
    ["for now just increment the ground color by 1 \ 14"
    ground ← (ground +1 ) \ 14.
    self displayat: (parentimage origin) effect: 0 clippedBy: user screenrect.

SystemOrganization classify: ↪Form under: ’Form Path Image’.
Form classInit

Class new title: ’FormSet’
    subclassof: Object
    fields: ’space spaceorigin image strike style styleindex formindex offsettable’
    declare: ’imageindex bitmover ’;

An object for holding sets of forms. The most conventional use will be as a repository of a set of forms typically identified as characters when seen on the display or on paper. The forms will be ascessible by passing a one-character
string or a number.

asForm: formindex     | f
    ["returns the form indexed by formindex ."
    self checkindex.
    f ← Form new extent: (self width) ⌾ (self height) .
    bitmover destraster ← (f width + 15 / 16).
    bitmover destx ← 0. bitmover desty ← 0.
    bitmover sourcex ← (self originx). bitmover sourcey ← 0.
    bitmover width ← (self width).
    bitmover height ← (self ascent) + (self descent).
    bitmover sourceraster ← (self wordwidth).
    bitmover destbase ← (f bits).
    bitmover sourcebase ← strike.
    bitmover dstrike ← false.
    bitmover sstrike ← true.
    bitmover copy: storing.
    ⇑ f
changeascentto: newascent    
    [    "new ascent for FormSet"
    self deltaascent: (newascent - (self ascent))
changedescentto: newdescent    
    [    "new ascent for FormSet"
    self deltadescent: (newdescent - (self descent))
changewidthof: formindex to: width    
    [    "new width for form at index"
    self checkindex. self deltawidthof: formindex by: (width - (self width))
    ["Just initialize the bitmover for now."
    bitmover ← BitBlt init
copy: formindex     to: pt | f
    ["copies the form indexed by formindex to pt."
    self checkindex.
    "f ← Image new size: (self width) ⌾ (self height) at: pt."
    bitmover destraster ← ((user screenrect) width + 15 / 16).
    bitmover destx ← pt x. bitmover desty ← pt y.
    bitmover sourcex ← (self originx). bitmover sourcey ← 0.
    bitmover width ← (self width).
    bitmover height ← (self ascent) + (self descent).
    bitmover sourceraster ← (self wordwidth).
    bitmover destbase ← (mem◦ 066).
    bitmover sourcebase ← strike.
    bitmover strike ← true.
    bitmover copy: oring.
    ⇑ self widthof: formindex
copy: formindex     to: pt effect: effect | f
    ["copies the form indexed by formindex to pt."
    self checkindex.
    "f ← Image new size: (self width) ⌾ (self height) at: pt."
    bitmover destraster ← ((user screenrect) width + 15 / 16).
    bitmover destx ← pt x. bitmover desty ← pt y.
    bitmover sourcex ← (self originx). bitmover sourcey ← 0.
    bitmover width ← (self width).
    bitmover height ← (self ascent) + (self descent).
    bitmover sourceraster ← (self wordwidth).
    bitmover destbase ← (mem◦ 066).
    bitmover sourcebase ← strike.
    bitmover strike ← true.
    bitmover copy: effect.
copyrange: start to: stop from: sourceset startingat: deststart
        | savebackground savebits i f
    ["copy a range of forms from one set to another"
    user displayoffwhile⦂
    [sourceset is: FormSet ⇒ []
        sourceset is: String ⇒ [sourceset ← FormSet new from: sourceset]
        user notify: ’Illegal sourceset -- not String or Formset.’
    savebackground ←
        Form new size: (sourceset maxwidth) by: (sourceset height).
    savebackground translate: 0⌾0; scale: 1.
    savebits ← savebackground bitsIntoString.

    for⦂ i from: start to: stop do⦂
        [f ← sourceset copy: i to: 0⌾0. self include: deststart with: f.
        deststart ← deststart + 1].

    savebackground bitsFromString: savebits.
    ["return index of form last touched"
    ⇑ formindex
currentformorigin | imageindex
    ["return index in image of form last touched"
     imageindex ← image find: formindex.
    ⇑ space ptofchar: imageindex.
from: strike
    ["Make a formset out of string in strike format"
    self classInit. self install: strike
from: first to: last ascent: ascent descent: descent
    style: style styleindex: styleindex name: name
    ["Make an empty formset."
    self classInit.
    offsettable ← String new: (last - first + 3) * 2.
    offsettable all ← 0.
    offsettable word: (last - first + 3) ← 4.                "width of illegal form"
    strike ←
        String new: (9 "header" + ascent + descent "space for illegal form") * 2.
    strike all ← 0.
    self type: 0100000.                        "for the outside world"
    self first: first.
    self last: last.
    self wordwidth: 1.            "only illegal form"
    self ascent: ascent.
    self descent: descent.
    self maxwidth: 4.            "width of illegal form"

    strike ← strike concat: offsettable ◦ (1 to: offsettable length).

    "mash in bits of illegal form"
    bitmover destraster ← (self wordwidth).
    bitmover destx ← 0. bitmover desty ← 0.
    bitmover width ← 1. bitmover height ← (self ascent) + (self descent).
    bitmover destbase ← strike.
    bitmover dstrike ← true.
    bitmover fill: storing color: black.
    bitmover destx ← 3.
    bitmover dstrike ← true.
    bitmover fill: storing color: black.
    bitmover width ← 4. bitmover height ← 1. bitmover destx ← 0.
    bitmover dstrike ← true.
    bitmover fill: storing color: black.
    bitmover desty ← (self ascent) + (self descent) - 1.
    bitmover dstrike ← true.
    bitmover fill: storing color: black.

    self install: strike.
    self updateseglength.
    [style ≡ nil ⇒ []
        style setfont: styleindex name: name fromstring: strike]
fromspace: pt to: dest
    ["get form selected from space"
    formindex ← image ◦ ((space charofpt: pt) min: 256).
    ⇑ (self copy: formindex to: dest).
fromstyle: style styleindex: styleindex
    ["Make a formset out of string in strike format"
    self classInit. self install: style fonts◦(styleindex+1)
    ["return height of fromset"
    ⇑self ascent + self descent
include: formindex with: form | newoffsettable newstrike i j
    ["Put a form into the formset"
    (formindex > (self first)) and:
        (formindex < (self last)) ⇒ [ self replace: formindex with: form]

    formindex < 0 ⇒ [user notify: ’Formindex < 0 illegal for formset.’]
    formindex > 255 ⇒ [user notify: ’Formindex > 255 illegal for formset.’]

    [formindex < (self first) ⇒
        [newoffsettable ←
                String new: ((self first) - formindex + (self abslength)) * 2.
        newoffsettable all ← 0.
        j ← (self first) - formindex + 1.
        for⦂ i from: j to: ((newoffsettable length) / 2) do⦂
            [newoffsettable word: i ← strike word: offsettable + (i-j)].
        newoffsettable ←
                String new: ((self abslength) + formindex - (self last)) * 2.
        newoffsettable all ← 0.
        for⦂ i from: 0 to: ((self length) - 1) do⦂
            [newoffsettable word: (i+1) ← strike word: offsettable + i].
        for⦂ i from: (self length) to: ((newoffsettable length) / 2) do⦂
            [newoffsettable word: i ← strike word: offsettable + self length].
        newoffsettable word: ((newoffsettable length) / 2) ←
            strike word: (offsettable + self length + 1).
    newstrike ← String new: (9 "header" + ((self wordwidth) *
        ((self ascent + self descent)) "bits")) * 2.    "new space for bits"
    for⦂ i to: 9 do⦂
        [newstrike word: i ← strike word: i].            "fill in header of new font"

    bitmover destraster ← (self wordwidth).
    bitmover destx ← 0. bitmover desty ← 0.
    bitmover sourcex ← 0. bitmover sourcey ← 0.
    bitmover width ← (self strikerightx).
    bitmover height ← (self ascent) + (self descent).
    bitmover sourceraster ← (self wordwidth).
    bitmover destbase ← newstrike.
    bitmover sourcebase ← strike.
    bitmover strike ← true.
    bitmover copy: storing.

    "copy the xtable"
    newstrike ←
        newstrike concat: newoffsettable ◦(1 to: newoffsettable length).
    self install: newstrike.
    [formindex < (self first) ⇒ [self first: formindex] self last: formindex].
    self replace: formindex with: form.
initspaceat: spaceorigin | i run para
    ["make a space for formset viewing"
    image ← String new: 256.
    image all ← 0.
    for⦂ i from: ((self first) to: (self last)+1)
        do⦂ [image◦(i+1) ← i].
    run ← String new: 2.
    run word: 1 ← 16 * (styleindex) + 0177400.
    para ←
    Paragraph new text: image runs: run alignment: 0.
    [space ≡ nil ⇒ [] space erase].
    space← Textframe new para: para
        frame: (Rectangle new origin: spaceorigin extent:
        ((self last) - (self first) * (self maxwidth) / 8)
        ((self ascent) + (self descent) * 6))
        style: style.
makecu: name scale: scale
        | f i iform bits drast srast
    ["Put out strike in Carnegie-Mellon format.
        A typical call might look like:
            yourset ←
                FormSet new style: DefaultTextStyle styleindex: 0.

                yourset makecu: ’cream12’ scale: 1.            

    user displayoffwhile⦂
    f ← (dp0 file: name + ’.cu.’).
    f nextword ← self height * scale.
    f nextword ← self maxwidth * scale + 15 / 16.
    bits ← String new:
        ((self height * scale) * ((self maxwidth * scale + 15)/16))
            * 2.
    drast ← self maxwidth * scale + 15 / 16.
    srast ← (user screenrect width) + 15/16.
    for⦂ i from: ((self first) to: (self last) by: 1) do⦂
        [iform ← "self copy: i to: 0⌾0" self asForm: i.
        iform displayat: (0⌾0) effect: 0 clippedBy: user screenrect.
        [scale > 1 ⇒ [iform blowup: 0⌾0 by: scale]].
        f nextword ← i. f nextword ← self width*scale.

        bitmover destbase ← bits.
        bitmover destraster ← drast.
        bitmover destx ← 0. bitmover desty ← 0.
        bitmover sourcebase ← mem◦066.
        bitmover sourceraster ← srast.
        bitmover sourcex ← 0. bitmover sourcey ← 0.
        bitmover dstrike ← false.
        bitmover sstrike ← true.
        bitmover width ← (iform width) * scale.
        bitmover height ← (iform height) * scale.
        bits all ← 0.
        bitmover copy: storing.
        f append: bits].
    f close.
    ["let user reshape/position space"
    space frame ← Rectangle new fromuser. self show.
replace: formindex with: form
    ["Replace form in set. Check incoming form for compatibility with formset,
    and insert form into formset."
    self checkindex.
    [form width ≠ self width ⇒ [self changewidthof: formindex to: form width]].
    form displayat: (0⌾0) effect: 0 clippedBy: user screenrect.
    "copy bits of form into formset"
    bitmover destraster ← (self wordwidth).
    bitmover destx ← (self originx). bitmover desty ← 0.
    bitmover sourcex ← 0. bitmover sourcey ← 0.
    bitmover width ← (self width).
    bitmover height ← (self ascent) + (self descent).
    bitmover sourceraster ← ((user screenrect) width + 15 / 16).
    bitmover destbase ← strike.
    bitmover sourcebase ← (mem ◦ 066).
    bitmover dstrike ← true.
    bitmover copy: storing.
    ["show all the forms in the set"
    space outline. space show
    ["return textframe that is space of formset"
    ⇑ space
    ["return frame of space"
    ⇑(space frame)
spaceorigin: spaceorigin
    ["reposition the space"
    space erase. (space frame) origin ← spaceorigin. self show.
widthof: formindex
    ["return width of from at formindex"
    ⇑self width

    ["Return absolute length of formset, i.e. number of forms in set
        plus space for illegal character and its rightx"
    ⇑ ((self last) - (self first) + 3)
    ["check formindex for legality and make into number if necessary"
    [formindex is: String ⇒
        [formindex length > 1 ⇒ [user notify: ’formindex out of range for FormSet.’]
        formindex ← formindex◦1]
    (formindex < (self first)) or: (formindex > (self last+1)) ⇒
        [user notify: ’formindex out of range for this FormSet.’]
deltaascent: delta | newstrike
    ["ascent delta"
    [(self ascent) + delta < 0 ⇒[delta ← 0 - (self ascent)]].
    [delta > 0 ⇒
        newstrike ← String new: (2 * (self wordwidth) * delta).
        newstrike all ← 0.                        "fill with white"
        newstrike ←                "add oldfont header and new space together"
            (strike◦(1 to: 18) concat: newstrike◦(1 to: newstrike length)).
        newstrike ←                                    "now add on rest of old font"
            (newstrike concat: strike◦(19 to: strike length)).
    newstrike ← (strike◦(1 to: 18) concat:
        strike◦((19 + (0 - (2 * (self wordwidth) * delta)))
            to: strike length)).
    newstrike word: 6 ← ((self ascent) + delta).    "reset ascent word in font"
    self install: newstrike.                        "newstrike now font of interest"
    self updateseglength.
    [style ≡ nil ⇒ [ ]
        (style maxascent) < (self ascent) ⇒ [style maxascent: (self ascent)]].
deltadescent: delta | newstrike somespace
    ["descent delta"
    [(self descent) + delta < 0 ⇒ [ delta ← 0 - (self descent)]].
    [delta > 0 ⇒
            [somespace ← String new: 2 * (self wordwidth) * delta.
            somespace all ← 0.
            newstrike ←
                (strike ◦ (1 to: offsettable - 1 * 2) concat: somespace).
    newstrike ←
        (strike ◦ (1 to: ((offsettable - 1 * 2)
                + ((self wordwidth) * delta * 2)))).
    "copy the xtable"
    newstrike ←
        newstrike concat: strike ◦ ((offsettable * 2 - 1) to: strike length).
    newstrike word: 7 ←
        ((self descent) + delta).            "reset descent word in font"
    self install: newstrike.                    "updatedfont now font of interest"
    self updatemaxwidth.
    self updateseglength.
    [style ≡ nil ⇒ [ ]
        (style maxdescent) < (self descent) ⇒
            [style maxdescent: (self descent)]]
deltawidthof: index by: delta
    | newwordwidth newoffsettable newstrike normalizedindex normalizedlast i
    ["change width of form at index"
    [delta < 0 ⇒ [(delta abs) > (self width) ⇒ [delta ← 0-(self width)]]].
    newwordwidth ←
        [((self strikerightx) + 15 / 16) ≠
            (i ← ((self strikerightx) + delta + 15 / 16)) ⇒
            [ i ]
            (self wordwidth)].
    newoffsettable ← newwordwidth *
        ((self ascent + self descent)) "height" + 9 "header" + 1 "for 0 addressing".
    XeqCursor showwhile⦂
    newstrike ← String new: (9 "header" + (newwordwidth *
        ((self ascent + self descent)) "bits")) * 2.            "grow/shrink the bits"
    newstrike all ← 0.
    for⦂ i to: 8 do⦂
        [newstrike word: i ← strike word: i].                    "fill in header of new font"
    newstrike word: 9 ← newwordwidth.                        "set raster in new font"

    "copy the xtable"
    newstrike ← newstrike concat: strike◦((offsettable * 2 - 1) to: strike length).

    "set up to copy up to old bits of form in formset"
    bitmover destraster ← newwordwidth.
    bitmover destx ← 0. bitmover desty ← 0.
    bitmover sourcex ← 0. bitmover sourcey ← 0.
    bitmover width ← (self originx) + (self width).
    bitmover height ← (self ascent) + (self descent).
    bitmover sourceraster ← (self wordwidth).
    bitmover destbase ← newstrike.
    bitmover sourcebase ← strike.
    bitmover sstrike ← true.
    bitmover dstrike ← true.
    bitmover copy: storing.

    "now copy remainder of font"
    bitmover destx ← (self originx) + (self width) + delta.
    bitmover width ← (self strikerightx) - (self originx) - (self width).
    bitmover sourcex ← (self originx) + (self width).
    bitmover copy: storing.

    "shift x-vals"
    normalizedindex ← formindex - (self first).
    normalizedlast ← (self last) - (self first).
    for⦂ i from: ((normalizedindex + 1) to: (normalizedlast + 2 "max")) do⦂
        [newstrike word: (newoffsettable+i) ←
            delta + (newstrike word: (newoffsettable+i))].
    self install: newstrike.        "set up the updated copy of the formset"
    self updatemaxwidth.
    self updateseglength.
install: strike
    ["set up a new or refreshed strike"
    [style ≡ nil ⇒ [] style fonts ◦ (styleindex + 1) ← strike].
    offsettable ← (self wordwidth) *
        ((self ascent) + (self descent)) + 9 "header" + 1 "for 0 addressing".
    ⇑ strike]
    ["Return length of formset, i.e. number of forms in set"
    ⇑ ((self last) - (self first) + 1)
    ["Return origin x of form at formindex"
    ⇑ (strike word: (offsettable + formindex - (self first)))]
updatemaxwidth | newmaxwidth i
    ["update max width"
    newmaxwidth ← 0.
    for⦂ i from:
        (offsettable to: offsettable + ((self last) - (self first) + 1))
        [newmaxwidth ←
                max: ((strike word: i+1) - (strike word: i)))].
    self maxwidth: newmaxwidth.
    ["compute new segment length for formset"
    strike word: 5 ←
        (5                                                        "length, ascent, descent, kern, and raster"
            + ((self wordwidth) * ((self ascent) + (self descent)))    "bits"
            + ((self last "max") - (self first    "min") + 2)                    "xtabl"
    ["Return width of form at formindex"
    ⇑ (strike word: (offsettable + (formindex - (self first)) + 1)) -
            (strike word: (offsettable + (formindex - (self first)))) ]

    ["When form set treated as characters, describes distance from top of form
    to baseline."
    ⇑(strike word: 6)
ascent: ascent
    ["When form set treated as characters, describes distance from top of form
    to baseline."
    strike word: 6 ← ascent.
    ["When form set treated as characters, describes distance from bottom of
    form to baseline."
    ⇑(strike word: 7)
descent: descent
    ["When form set treated as characters, describes distance from bottom of
    form to baseline."
    strike word: 7 ← descent.
    ["Heritage from the world of fonts"
    ⇑(strike word: 2)    "minimum formindex (ascii) in the strike"]
first: first
    ["Heritage from the world of fonts"
    strike word: 2 ← first.        "minimum formindex (ascii) in the strike"
    ["When form set treated as characters, describes distance this form is
    to intrude into space of preceding character."
    ⇑(strike word: 8)
    ["Heritage from the world of fonts"
    ⇑(strike word: 3)    "maximum formindex (ascii) in the strike"
last: last
    ["Heritage from the world of fonts"
    strike word: 3 ← last.        "maximum formindex (ascii) in the strike"
    ["All forms in this set ≤ to this value"
    ⇑(strike word: 4)
maxwidth: maxwidth
    ["All forms in this set ≤ to this value"
    strike word: 4 ← maxwidth.
    ["Amount of space allocated for form set - 4"
    ⇑(strike word: 5)
    ["Corner x of last form in form set"
    ⇑(strike word: (offsettable + ((self last) - (self first)) + 2)).
    ["**BEWARE -- outside world has ideas about this value."
    ⇑(strike word: 1)
type: type
    ["**BEWARE -- outside world has ideas about this value."
    strike word: 1 ← type.
    ["Also know as the raster of the formset.
    The width in alto words of the bits of the formset. When the display of a
    form is desired, the word and bit address of the bits of the form must
    be discovered. Adding the wordwidth to the word portion of that value,
    produces the word address of the second line of the bits of the form, and
    so on until the height of the form is spanned."

    ⇑(strike word: 9)
wordwidth: wordwidth
    ["Also know as the raster of the formset.
    The width in alto words of the bits of the formset. When the display of a
    form is desired, the word and bit address of the bits of the form must
    be discovered. Adding the wordwidth to the word portion of that value,
    produces the word address of the second line of the bits of the form, and
    so on until the height of the form is spanned."

    strike word: 9 ← wordwidth.

SystemOrganization classify: ↪FormSet under: ’Form Path Image’.
FormSet classInit

Class new title: ’Image’
    subclassof: Set
    fields: ’ origin rectangle path form superimage xgrid ygrid figure ground’
    declare: ’aurora under black screen reverse white over aurorarunning ’;

This class has not yet been commented

blink: form | pt
    ["to show current gridded position of the form... returns abs position."
        pt ← self mp.
        form displayat: ( rectangle origin)+ pt
            effect: 2 clippedBy: user screenrect.
        form displayat: ( rectangle origin)+ pt
            effect: 2 clippedBy: user screenrect.
    ⇑ (self rectangle origin)+ pt
    ["sets up black and white as colors and over ,under and reverse as modes
    also initializes the name screen as an image the size of the display"
    black ← 0-1.
    white ← 0.
    over ← 0.
    under ← 1.
    reverse ← 2.
    screen ← Image new origin: user screenrect origin extent: user screenrect extent.
    aurora ← "Aurora new" nil.
    aurorarunning ← false.
    ["create a new Image whose rectangle is specified by the user. "
    rectangle ← Rectangle new fromuser.
    self origin: (rectangle origin) rectangle: rectangle
        path: (rectangle origin) form: (Form new fromrectangle: rectangle)
        figure: 1 ground: 0 xgrid: 1 ygrid: 1.
origin: origin extent: extent
    ["create a new Image at origin with extent (width⌾height). "
    self origin: (origin copy) rectangle: (Rectangle new origin: origin extent: extent)
         path: nil form: nil figure: 1 ground: 0 xgrid: 1 ygrid: 1
origin: origin rectangle: rectangle path: path form: form
    ["basic message to create a new instance."
    self origin: origin rectangle: rectangle path: path form: form
    figure: 1 ground: 0 xgrid: 1 ygrid: 1.
origin: origin rectangle: rectangle path: path form: form figure: figure ground: ground xgrid: xgrid ygrid: ygrid
    ["basic message to create a new instance."
    self default]
rectanglefromuser | f pt r
    ["create a Rectangle specified by the user and origin and corner are gridded. "
    r ← Rectangle new.
    f ← Form new extent: xgrid⌾ygrid. f black.
    user waitnobug.
    until⦂ user anybug do⦂
        r origin ← self blink: f.
    until⦂ user nobug do⦂
        r corner ← (self mp + rectangle origin) max: (r origin + f extent).
        r reverse ; reverse.
    ⇑ r.

add: p and: i | s
    ["add p (set or point) and i ( Image or Form ) and expand the
         bounding rectangle of this image."
    rectangle ←
        rectangle include:
            ((Rectangle new origin: (p origin)+ origin extent: i size)
                include: (Rectangle new origin: (p corner)+ origin extent: i size)).
    s ← Set default. s add: p ; add: i .
    self add: s
addform: f andpath: p | r
    ["add p (set or point) and f ( Form ) and expand the
         bounding rectangle of this image."
    self addpath: p andform: f
addimage: i | r
    ["add the Image i (as a subimage) and expand the
         bounding rectangle of this image."
    rectangle ←
            (Rectangle new origin: (i origin)+ origin extent: i extent).
    self add: i.
addpath: p andform: f | r
    ["add p (set or point) and f ( Form ) and expand the
         bounding rectangle of this image."
    rectangle ←
            (r ← ((Rectangle new origin: (p origin)"+ origin" extent: f extent)
            (Rectangle new origin: ((p corner) - (1⌾1))"+ origin" extent: f extent))).
    self add: (Image new origin: 0⌾0 rectangle: r path: p form: f
        figure: 1 ground: 0 xgrid: 1 ygrid: 1).

appendimage: newimage after: image | i
    ["append newimage into the image after image."
    i ← self findbyrect: image.
    self insertI: (i+1) value: newimage.
    ["see class Set for operations (deletion,replacement,insertion etc.) on subimages ( elements)."]
deleteimage: i | subimage
    ["delete the i th subimage and recompute the bounding rectangle of the Image"
    subimage ← self◦i.
    self deleteI: i.
    ( subimage rectangle) isWithin: rectangle⇒ [] self resize "recompute bounding rectangle"
deletesubimage: i
    ["delete the ith subimage."
    self deleteindex: i.
edit: superimage | blackdot pt indexofsubimage subimage
    ["eventually a general Image manipulator for now
            just passes control to its subimages."
    nil≡ form ⇒
            [user waitnobug.
            until⦂ (1 = 2) do⦂
                     "until bug occurs outside rectangle"
            ((false = (rectangle has: (user mp))) and: (user anybug))⇒[⇑ self ]
            user kbck ⇒ [ self kbd ]
            user redbug⇒
                    [indexofsubimage ← self smallestsubimageat:
                                        ( (user mp) - self rectangle origin).
                            [ subimage ← self◦indexofsubimage.
                            subimage translate: self origin .
                            subimage edit: self.
                            subimage translate: ((0⌾0)-self origin).
                user yellowbug⇒
                    self yellowbug
    form ← form edit: self.
    [form is: Form⇒ [] "origin ← (form origin) copy." rectangle ← (form frame) copy].
    ⇑ self
findbyrect: image | i
    for⦂ i to: position do⦂
        [(array◦i) rectangle = image rectangle ⇒ [⇑i]].
highlite | r i
    ["reverse the ith subimage ."
    for⦂ i to: position do⦂
        r ← Rectangle new origin: (self origin+ (self◦i) origin)
            extent: (self◦i) extent.
        r comp
indexofsubimageat: pt | i subimage
    ["return the index of the subimage which contains pt(relative to self origin)
        otherwise return false."
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂
        [subimage ← (self◦i).
        (subimage rectangle) has: pt⇒ [ ⇑ i]
    ⇑ false
indexofsubimagebelow: yvalue | i subimage
    ["return the index of the first subimage below yvalue otherwise return false."
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂
        [ ((self◦i) top ≥ yvalue) ⇒ [ ⇑ i]
    ⇑ false
outlinesubimage: i | r
    ["draw an outline(reversed boarder 2 units thick) about the ith subimage ."
    r ← Rectangle new origin: (self origin+ (self◦i) origin)
            extent: (self◦i) extent.
    r comp
replaceimage: image with: newimage | i
    ["replace image with newimage in self."
    i ← self findbyrect: image.
    self replaceI: i value: newimage.
smallestsubimageat: pt | i smallest slf sml
    ["return the index of the smallest subimage which contains pt(relative to self origin)
        otherwise return false."
    smallest ← false.
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂
        ((self◦i) rectangle) has: pt⇒
            smallest⇒[ slf←((self◦i) rectangle).
                            sml←((self◦smallest) rectangle).
                            (slf area < sml area) ⇒
                                        [smallest ← i]
            smallest ← i
    smallest⇒[⇑ self◦smallest]
    ⇑ smallest
subimage: i | sub s
    ["return the ith subimage."
    sub ← (self◦i)
    s ← Image new at: (self origin) + (sub◦1) origin. s add: (0⌾0) and: sub◦2.
    ⇑ s
subimageat: pt | i
    ["return the subimage which contains pt (relative to self origin)
        otherwise return false."
    i ← self indexofsubimageat: pt.
    i ⇒ [ ⇑ self◦ i]
    ⇑ false
subimageswithin: rect | image topleft fittedimage t
    ["return an image containing my subimages that are within rect,         otherwise return false."
    image ← Image new origin: rect origin extent: rect extent.
    for⦂ t from: self do⦂
        (t rectangle) isWithin: rect⇒
            image addimage: (t translate: (0⌾0)-(rect origin))
    image length = 0⇒[⇑ false]
    topleft ← (image◦1) rectangle origin.
    for⦂ t from: image do⦂
        [(t rectangle origin) < topleft⇒ [topleft ← (t rectangle origin)]].
    fittedimage ← Image new origin: (topleft+rect origin) extent: (1⌾1).
    for⦂ t from: image do⦂
        [ fittedimage addimage: (t translate: (0⌾0)-topleft)].
    ⇑ fittedimage
substitute: form1 for: form2 | i
    ["everywhere in the imagesubstitute form1 for form2"
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂ [ (self◦i)◦2 ≡ form2 ⇒ [ (self◦i)◦2 ← form1]]

    ["blink the image"
    self display: 2.
    self display: 2.
    ["display all of the forms in the image on the screen "
    self displayat: 0⌾0 effect: 0 clippedBy: user screenrect.
display: effect
    ["display all of the forms in the image on the screen
    effect = 0 ⇒ store
    effect = 1 ⇒ or
    effect = 2 ⇒ xor
    effect = 3 ⇒ and complement
    self displayat: 0⌾0 effect: effect clippedBy: user screenrect.
displayat: pt effect: effect clippedBy: cliprect | i
    ["display all of the subimages in this image "
    [nil≡ form    ⇒ []
        form displayat: (path + pt+ origin) effect: effect clippedBy: cliprect].
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂
                [ (self◦i) displayat: (pt + origin) effect: effect clippedBy: cliprect
quickDisplayAt: pt scale: scal offset: delta | i rect x1 y1 x2 y2
    ["outline me and all of the subimages in this image in given scale"
    x1← (scal*(rectangle minX + pt x) + delta x) asInteger.
    y1← (scal*(rectangle minY + pt y) + delta y) asInteger.
    x2← (scal*(rectangle maxX + pt x) + delta x) asInteger.
    y2← (scal*(rectangle maxY + pt y) + delta y) asInteger.
    rect ← x1⌾y1 rect: x2⌾y2.
    rect outline.
    pt ← pt+origin.
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂
        [rect ← (self◦i) rectangle.
        x1← (scal*(rect minX + pt x) + delta x) asInteger.
        y1← (scal*(rect minY + pt y) + delta y) asInteger.
        x2← (scal*(rect maxX + pt x) + delta x) asInteger.
        y2← (scal*(rect maxY + pt y) + delta y) asInteger.
        rect ← x1⌾y1 rect: x2⌾y2.
        rect color: gray mode: oring.

= image
    [⇑(rectangle = (image rectangle))
    ["return the bottom y of the bounding rectangle of theImage."
    ⇑ rectangle corner y.
    ["return the center of the Image."
    ⇑ rectangle center.
contains: pt
    ["return true if the bounding rectangle for the Image contains pt.."
    ⇑ rectangle has: pt
    ["return the corner of the Image."
    ⇑ rectangle corner.
corner← pt
    ["modify the corner of the Image."
     rectangle corner← pt.
    ["return the extent (width,height) of the Image."
    ⇑ rectangle extent
    ["return the height of the Image."
    ⇑ rectangle extent y.
    ["return the leftmost x of the bounding rectangle of theImage."
    ⇑ rectangle origin x.
    ["return the origin of the image."
    ⇑ origin
origin: origin
    ["change the origin of the image."]
    ["return the rectangle that bounds the Image."
    ⇑ rectangle
rectangle: r
    ["redefine rectangle that bounds the Image."
    rectangle← r
resize | i
    [" Recompute the bounding rectangle of the Image"
    [nil≡ form    ⇒ [rectangle ← Rectangle new origin: origin extent: 1⌾1]
                rectangle ← Rectangle new origin: origin extent: form extent].
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂
        [ rectangle ← rectangle include: ((self◦i) rectangle) ]
    ["return the rightmost x of the bounding rectangle of theImage."
    ⇑ rectangle corner x.
    ["return the superimage (Image containing) of this Image."
    ⇑ superimage
    ["return the top y of the bounding rectangle of theImage."
    ⇑ rectangle origin y.
    ["return the width of the Image."
    ⇑ rectangle extent x.

    ["black out the image"
    self color: black effect: 0.
    ["border without disturbing the interior."
    rectangle comp
color: color effect: effect
    ["basic rectangle call to blt."
    rectangle color: color mode: effect .
    aurorarunning⇒    [user displayoffwhile⦂ [aurora destination: rectangle ; source: rectangle ;
                    figure: figure ; ground: ground ; function: 002117 "AoverB" ; doit
    ["gray out the image"
    self color: gray effect: storing
    ["reverse the image (black to white and white to black)"
    self color: black effect: 2
    ["white out the image"
    form is: BorderedText⇒ [ (rectangle inset: (¬1⌾¬1) and: (¬1⌾¬1)) clear: 0]
    self color: white effect: over.

griddedpoint: pt
    [⇑ ((pt x)| xgrid) ⌾ ((pt y)| ygrid) ]
normalize | delta i
    ["recompute origin, rectangle and path so that: path origin = 0⌾0."
    [nil ≡ path ⇒ [] delta ← (path origin) copy. path normalize. origin translate: delta].     for⦂ i to: self length do⦂ [ (self◦i) normalize ].
translate: delta
    ["translate the origin and bounding rectangle of the Image."
    rectangle ← rectangle translate: delta.
    origin translate: delta.
translateto: pt
    ["move the Image to pt."
    self translate: pt - origin.

copy | im i
    im ← Image new origin: origin copy rectangle: rectangle copy path: path copy form: form copy figure: figure copy ground: ground copy xgrid: xgrid copy ygrid: ygrid copy.
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂
        [im add: (self◦i) copy].
    ⇑ im
fromPress: press value: s | numberofsubimages i code t
    ["retrieves and builds an instance of class Image from a press file"
    self default.
    numberofsubimages← s nextword.
    origin ← s nextPoint.
    i ← s nextPoint.
    rectangle ← i rect: s nextPoint.
    xgrid ← s nextword.
    ygrid ← s nextword.
    figure ← s nextword.
    ground ← s nextword.

    form ← s next.
    path ← s next.

    for⦂ i to: numberofsubimages do⦂ [
        s ← press nextControl asStream.
        code ← s next.
        t ← Image new.
        code = t pressCode⇒ [
            self addimage: (t fromPress: press value: s)]
        user notify: ’subimage not Image’].

    [form=0⇒ [form ← nil]
    s ← press nextControl asStream.
    code ← s next.
    form ← [code = 4⇒ [TextImage new]; =5⇒ [Form new]; = 6 ⇒[BorderedText new] false].
    form and⦂ code = form pressCode⇒ [
        [code=4⇒ [form frame ← rectangle copy]].
        [code=6⇒ [form frame ← rectangle copy]].
        form fromPress: press value: s]
    user notify: ’illegal form’].

    [path=0⇒ [path ← nil]
    s ← press nextControl asStream.
    code ← s next.
    path ← [code = 6⇒ [Path new]; =7⇒ [Point new] false].
    path and⦂ code = path pressCode⇒ [path fromPress: press value: s]
    user notify: ’illegal path’]
hideData: complete | s
    ["stores an instance of class Image on a press file. ignore complete"
    Stream new of: (s ← String new: 24);
        nextword← self length; "number of subimages"
        nextPoint← origin;
        nextPoint← rectangle origin;
        nextPoint← rectangle corner;
        nextword← xgrid;
        nextword ← ygrid;
        nextword ← figure;
        nextword ← ground;
        next ← [form≡nil ⇒ [0] 1];
        next ← [path≡nil⇒ [0] 1].
    ⇑ s]
hidePress: press complete: c [
    c ≥ 0⇒ [
        "called from PressPrinter print:in:"
        [form≡nil⇒ ["already done"]
        form hidePress: press complete: c].
        path≡nil⇒ []
        path hidePress: press complete: c]
    "¬1. called from Image presson:in:"
    press skipcode: self pressCode data: (self hideData: c)]
kbd |
    [" default response for Images."
    user kbd.
    self reverse ; reverse.
mp | p
    [" returns a gridded point relative to my rectangle."
    p ← user mp.
    p x← ((p x) - rectangle origin x) | xgrid.
    p y← ((p y) - rectangle origin y) | ygrid.
    ⇑ p
pressCode [⇑1]
presson: press in: r | yvalue t h rect [
    self length > 0 and⦂ r height < (h ← press scale * self height)⇒ [
        "try on next page" ⇑self]

    self hidePress: press complete: ¬1.
    for⦂ t from: self do⦂ [
        yvalue ← t presson: press in: r.
        "if subimage didn’t fit, print version will be clipped,
        but entire subimage will be stored"
        t hidePress: press complete: [yvalue is: Integer⇒ [0] 1]].

    form≡nil⇒ [⇑r corner y - h]
    rect ← r copy.
    rect corner y ← rect corner y - (( path y)*(press scale)).
    "form will be hidden by Image presson:in: or PressPrinter print:in:".
    ⇑form presson: press in: rect]
printon: strm | t [
    strm append: ’an Image: ’.
    array is: String⇒ [strm space append: self]
    for⦂ t from: self do⦂ [strm space print: t]]

    ["return the figure color (color associated with black) for this Image"
    ⇑ figure
figure: figure
    ["change the figure color (color associated with black) for this Image"]
    ["return the form for this Image"
    ⇑ form
form: form
    ["change the form for this Image"]
    ["return the ground color (color associated with white) for this Image"
    ⇑ ground
ground: ground
    ["change the ground color (color associated with white) for this Image"]
hash [⇑rectangle hash]
    ["return the path for this Image"
    ⇑ path
path: path
    ["change the path for this Image"]
superimage: superimage
    ["return the x gridding module for this Image"
    ⇑ xgrid
xgrid: xgrid
    ["set the x gridding module for this Image"
    ["return the y gridding module for this Image"
    ⇑ ygrid
ygrid: ygrid
    ["set the y gridding module for this Image"

Fist and last
    | im
        for⦂ im from: self asArray notNil do⦂
        [im close]].
    self vector: 0]

SystemOrganization classify: ↪Image under: ’Form Path Image’.
Image classInit

Class new title: ’Path’
    subclassof: Set
    fields: ’’
    declare: ’’;

This class has not yet been commented

    ["must be executed for each new instance."
    self default.

    ["see Set for these ... add:, append:, and ◦← are the main ones"

pointnearestto: p | distance i nearest d
    ["return the index of the point in the path nearest (manhatten norm) to p."
    distance ← p dist: self◦1.
    nearest ← 1.
    for⦂ i to: position do⦂
        [    d ← p dist: self◦i .
            d< distance⇒
            [ nearest← i. distance ← d.]
    ⇑ nearest

deleteindex: i | r [
    r ← array◦( i+1 to: position).
    position ← i-1.
    self append: r.
    array◦(position+1) ← nil.
insert: pt atindex: index | r
    "insert pt at index in the path"
    index > position⇒ [self next ← pt]
    r ← [position = limit⇒ [self grow] self growby: 0].
    position ← 0.
    self append: (r ◦ 1 to: index-1);
        next ← pt;
        append: r◦(index to: r length).

addarcfrom: p1 via: p2 to: p3 | pa pb i k s
    ["Kaehler method for Flegal curve"
    s← Path new init.
    s add: p1.
    pa← p2-p1. pb← p3-p2.
    k← 5 max: (pa x abs + pa y abs + pb x abs + pb y abs)/20.
    for⦂ i to: k do⦂        "k is a guess how many segments are appropriate"
        [s add: (pa*i/k+p1*(k-i)) + (pb*(i-1)/k+p2*(i-1)) / (k-1)]
    s add: p3 .
    for⦂ i to: (s length-1) do⦂ [ self addlinefrom: s◦i to: s◦(i+1) ]
addlinefrom: p1 to: p2 | x1 y1 dx dy yinc x0 y0 cdl i
    ["for now just add points to the space at alto resolution between p1 and p2
    dx← ( p2 x) - (p1 x).
    dy← ( p2 y) - (p1 y).

    [dx < 0 ⇒ [dx ← 0-dx. dy ← 0-dy. x0← p2 x. y0 ← p2 y]
                            x0 ← p1 x. y0 ← p1 y].
    [dy ≥ 0 ⇒ [yinc←1] yinc ← 0-1 . dy ← 0-dy].
        [cdl ← ( dx/2).
        for⦂ i from: 0 to: dx do⦂
            [self add: (x0⌾y0). cdl ← cdl + dy.
            x0 ← x0+1.
            cdl > dx⇒ [cdl ← cdl - dx. y0 ← y0 + yinc]

    "y is fastest mover"
    cdl ← (dy/2).
    for⦂ i from: 0 to: dy do⦂
        [self add: (x0⌾y0) . cdl ← cdl+ dx.
        y0 ← y0 + yinc.
     cdl > dy ⇒ [cdl ← cdl - dy. x0← x0+1]

+ delta | i
    [ "add delta to every point in the path"
    ⇑ (self copy) translate: delta
normalize | delta i
    [ "subtract the origin of the path from every point in the path"
    delta ← self origin.
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂
        [ self◦i ← self◦i - delta
scale: factor | i
    [ "scale every point in the path by factor"
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂
        [ self◦i ← self◦i * factor
translate: delta | i
    [ "add delta to every point in the path"
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂
        [ self◦i ← self◦i + delta

    ["return the corner of the bounding rectangle that includes all the points in the path."
    ⇑ (self rectangle) corner
    ["return the extent of the bounding rectangle that includes all the points in the path."
    ⇑ (self rectangle) extent]
    ["return the height of the bounding rectangle that includes all the points in the path."
    ⇑ self size y]
    ["return the origin of the bounding rectangle that includes all the points in the path."
    ⇑ (self rectangle) origin
rectangle | r i
    ["return the bounding rectangle that includes all the points in the path."
    r ← Rectangle new origin: self◦1 extent: 1⌾1.
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂
        [ r ← r include: self◦i        
    ⇑ r
    ["return the extent of the bounding rectangle that includes all the points in the path."
    ⇑ (self rectangle) extent]
    ["return the width of the bounding rectangle that includes all the points in the path."
    ⇑ self size x]

copy | t
    ["returns a new instance of Path that is a copy "
    t ← Path new init.
    t append: (array◦(1 to: position)) copy.
    ⇑ t]
pressCode [⇑6]
printon: strm | t [
    strm append: ’a Path: ’.
    array is: String⇒ [strm space append: self]
    for⦂ t from: self do⦂ [strm space print: t]]

SystemOrganization classify: ↪Path under: ’Form Path Image’.

Class new title: ’Point’
    subclassof: Object
    fields: ’x y’
    declare: ’’;

I am an x-y pair of numbers usually designating a location on the screen

    [⇑ (x⌾y)
x: x y: y

≤ pt [⇑ x≤pt x and⦂ y≤pt y]
≥ pt [⇑ x≥pt x and⦂ y≥pt y]
* scale
    ["Return a Point that is the product of me and scale (which is a Point or Number)"
    ⇑Point new x: (x * scale asPtX) y: (y * scale asPtY)]
+ delta
    ["Return a Point that is the sum of me and delta (which is a Point or Number)"
    ⇑Point new x: (x + delta asPtX) y: (y + delta asPtY)]
- delta
    ["Return a Point that is the difference of me and delta (which is a Point or Number)"
    ⇑Point new x: (x - delta asPtX) y: (y - delta asPtY)]
/ scale
    ["Return a Point that is the quotient of me and scale (which is a Point or Number)"
    ⇑Point new x: (x / scale asPtX) y: (y / scale asPtY)]
< pt [⇑ x<pt x and⦂ y<pt y]
= pt [⇑x=pt x and⦂ y=pt y]
> pt [⇑x>pt x and⦂ y>pt y]
abs    "absolute value of a point"
    [    ⇑Point new x: (x abs) y: (y abs)    ]
dist: pt | t    "distance (Manhattan norm) between pt and self"
    [t ← (pt - self) abs.
    ⇑(t x) + (t y)]
    [⇑((x asFloat*x asFloat)+(y asFloat*y asFloat)) sqrt]
max: t
    [⇑Point new x: (x max: t x) y: (y max: t y)]
min: t
    [⇑Point new x: (x min: t x) y: (y min: t y)]
normal | n        "unit vector rotated 90 deg clockwise"
    [n← y asFloat neg ⌾ x asFloat.
    ⇑n/n length]
    ["set selt to zero"
    self x ← 0.
    self y ← 0.
translate: delta
    ["increment self by delta"
    x ← x + delta x.
    y ← y + delta y.
| grid
    [⇑Point new x: x|grid y: y|grid]

    ["Return self."]
    [⇑y ]
    ["Return a Rectangle with me as both origin and corner."
    ⇑self rect: self]
asRectCorner "pretend to be a Rectangle for Rectangle +-*/"
asRectOrigin "pretend to be a Rectangle for Rectangle +-*/"
    [⇑ self+ (1⌾1)]
    [⇑ (1⌾1)]
extent: p        "infix creation of rectangles"
    [⇑Rectangle new origin: self extent: p]
    [⇑ 1]
    [⇑ self]
printon: strm
    [strm print: x; append: ’⌾’; print: y]
rect: p        "infix creation of rectangles"
    [⇑Rectangle new origin: self corner: p]
    [⇑ 1]

Access to parts
hash [⇑(x lshift: 2) lxor: y]
theta | tan theta "return the angle the point makes with origin. right is 0; down is 90."
    [x=0 ⇒ [y≥0 ⇒ [⇑ 90.0] ⇑ 270.0].

     tan ← y asFloat/x asFloat.
     theta ← tan arctan.

     x≥0 ⇒ [y≥0 ⇒[⇑ theta] ⇑360.0 + theta].
     ⇑ 180.0 + theta]
x     [⇑x]
x ← x
y [⇑y]
y ← y

fromPress: press value: s
    [ x ← s nextword. y ← s nextword]
hideData: complete | s
    [Stream new of: (s ← String new: 4); nextPoint← self.
    ⇑ s]
hidePress: press complete: c
    [press skipcode: self pressCode data: (self hideData: c)]
pressCode [⇑7]

SystemOrganization classify: ↪Point under: ’Form Path Image’.

Class new title: ’Rectangle’
    subclassof: Object
    fields: ’origin corner’
    declare: ’’;

I am a pair of points, usually representing a rectangular area on the screen

    ["new rectangle"
    ⇑ (origin copy) rect: (corner copy)
fromuser | t
    ["Show the origin cursor until the user presses a mouse button,
        then get my origin"
    origin←OriginCursor showwhile⦂ [user waitbug].
    "Show the corner cursor and complement me until the user presses
        a button again. The loop is arranged so
        that complementing stays on for a little while."
    CornerCursor showwhile⦂
        [while⦂ [corner←t. t ← user mpnext] do⦂
            [self comp. t ← t max: origin. self comp]]]
fromuserevenword | t
    ["Show the origin cursor until the user presses a mouse button,
        then get my origin"
    origin←OriginCursor showwhile⦂ [user waitbug].
    "Show the corner cursor and complement me until the user presses
        a button again. The loop is arranged so
        that complementing stays on for a little while."
    CornerCursor showwhile⦂
        [while⦂ [corner ← t. t ← user mpnext] do⦂
            [self comp. t ← (((t x) + 15 | 16) ⌾ t y) max: origin. self comp]].
origin: origin corner: corner
origin: origin extent: extent
    [corner ← origin+extent]

area [⇑(self width)*(self height)]
bottom [⇑corner y]
corner [⇑corner]
corners | v
    [v← Vector new: 4.
    v◦1← origin. v◦2← corner x⌾ origin y.
    v◦3← corner. v◦4← origin x⌾corner y.
corner ← corner
edge: side "Returns one side as a number."
    "Sides are numbered 0-3. +1 goes counterclockwise. lxor: 2 gets opposite side."
        =0⇒["top" ⇑origin y];
        =1⇒["left" ⇑origin x];
        =2⇒["bottom" ⇑corner y];
        =3⇒["right" ⇑corner x].
    user notify: ’Invalid side’]
extent ← extent
    [corner ← origin+extent. ⇑extent]
hash [⇑(origin lshift: 1) lxor: corner]
    [⇑corner y - origin y]
height ← h "change my bottom y to make my height h"
    [corner y ← origin y + h]
leftside [⇑origin x]
maxX [⇑corner x]
maxY [⇑corner y]
minX [⇑origin x]
minY [⇑origin y]
origin [⇑origin]
origin ← origin
rightside [⇑corner x]
side: side "Returns one side as a rectangle."
    "Sides are numbered 0-3. +1 goes counterclockwise. Xor: 2 gets opposite side."
        =0⇒["top" ⇑origin rect: corner x⌾origin y];
        =1⇒["left" ⇑origin rect: origin x⌾corner y];
        =2⇒["bottom" ⇑origin x⌾corner y rect: corner];
        =3⇒["right" ⇑corner x⌾origin y rect: corner].
    user notify: ’Invalid side’]
top [⇑origin y]
    [⇑corner x - origin x]
width ← w "change my right x to make my width w"
    [corner x ← origin x + w]
withEdge: side at: coord "Returns a rectangle with one side moved."
        =0⇒ [⇑origin x⌾coord rect: corner];
        =1⇒ [⇑coord⌾origin y rect: corner];
        =2⇒ [⇑origin rect: corner x⌾coord];
        =3⇒ [⇑origin rect: coord⌾corner y].
    user notify: ’Invalid side’]
withSide: side at: pt "Returns a rectangle with one side moved."
        =0⇒ [⇑origin x⌾pt y rect: corner];
        =1⇒ [⇑pt x⌾origin y rect: corner];
        =2⇒ [⇑origin rect: corner x⌾pt y];
        =3⇒ [⇑origin rect: pt x⌾corner y].
    user notify: ’Invalid side’]

* scale [
"Return a Rectangle which is the product of me and scale (which is a Rectangle, Point, or Number)"
    ⇑Rectangle new origin: origin * scale asRectOrigin corner: corner * scale asRectCorner]
+ delta [
Return a Rectangle which is the sum of me and delta (which is a Rectangle, Point, or Number)"
    ⇑Rectangle new origin: origin + delta asRectOrigin corner: corner + delta asRectCorner]
- delta [
"Return a Rectangle which is the difference of me and delta (which is a Rectangle, Point, or Number)"
    ⇑Rectangle new origin: origin - delta asRectOrigin corner: corner - delta asRectCorner]
/ scale [
"Return a Rectangle which is the quotient of me and scale (which is a Rectangle, Point, or Number)"
    ⇑Rectangle new origin: origin / scale asRectOrigin corner: corner / scale asRectCorner]
= r
    [⇑origin = r origin and: corner = r corner]
    [⇑(origin < corner)≡false]
has: pt [⇑origin ≤ pt and⦂ pt < corner]
include: r "Returns the merge with an adjacent rectangle."
    [⇑(origin min: r origin) rect: (corner max: r corner)]
inset: p1
    [⇑origin+p1 rect: corner-p1]
inset: p1 and: p2
    [⇑origin+p1 rect: corner-p2]
intersect: r [
    ⇑Rectangle new origin: (origin max: r origin)
        corner: (corner min: r corner)]
intersects: r
    [⇑(origin max: r origin) < (corner min: r corner)]
isWithin: rect "am I equal to or contained within rect"
    [⇑origin ≥ rect origin and⦂ corner ≤ rect corner]
max: rect
    [⇑Rectangle new
        origin: (origin min: rect origin)
        corner: (corner max: rect corner)]
minus: r | s yorg ycor        "return Vector of Rectangles comprising
                the part of me not intersecting r "
    ["Make sure the intersection is non-empty"
    [origin≤r corner and⦂ r origin≤corner⇒ [] ⇑self inVector].
    s ← (Vector new: 4) asStream.
    [r origin y>origin y⇒
        [s next ← origin rect: corner x⌾(yorg ← r origin y)]
     yorg ← origin y].
    [r corner y<corner y⇒
        [s next ← origin x⌾(ycor ← r corner y) rect: corner]
     ycor ← corner y].
    [r origin x>origin x⇒
        [s next ← origin x⌾yorg rect: r origin x⌾ycor]].
    [r corner x<corner x⇒
        [s next ← r corner x⌾yorg rect: corner x⌾ycor]].
    ⇑s contents]
nearest: pt
    [⇑((origin x max: pt x) min: corner x) ⌾
    ((origin y max: pt y) min: corner y)]
side: side distanceTo: pt
        =0⇒ [⇑pt y-origin y];
        =1⇒ [⇑pt x-origin x];
        =2⇒ [⇑corner y-pt y];
        =3⇒ [⇑corner x-pt x].
    user notify: ’Invalid side’]
sideNearest: pt | d dmin i imin
    [dmin ← 077777.
    for⦂ i from: (0 to: 3) do⦂
        [dmin>(d ← self side: i distanceTo: pt) abs⇒
            [dmin ← d. imin ← i]].

dragto: dest | v i
    [self blt: dest mode: storing.
    v ← dest rect: dest+self extent.
    for⦂ i from: (self minus: v) do⦂ [i clear].
    origin ← dest. corner ← v corner]
growby: pt
    [corner ← corner + pt]
growto: corner
maxstretch: bound | bx by boundr selfr
    [bx←(bound corner-origin) x. by←(bound corner-origin) y.
    boundr←bx asFloat/by. selfr←self width asFloat/self height.
    selfr>boundr⇒[self extent←(bx⌾(bx asFloat/selfr) asInteger)]
        self extent←((by asFloat*selfr) asInteger⌾by)]
moveby: pt
    [origin ← origin+pt. corner ← corner+pt]
moveto: pt
    [corner ← corner+pt-origin. origin←pt]
translate: pt
    [origin ← origin+pt. corner ← corner+pt]
translateto: pt
    [self translate: pt - origin. ]
    [self usermove: user screenrect]
usermove: bound | m lim
    [lim←bound corner-self extent. self bordercomp. m←user mp.
    while⦂ true do⦂
        [[user redbug⇒
            [self bordercomp; moveto: (bound origin max: ((m←user mp) min: lim)); bordercomp]].
        while⦂ (user anybug and⦂ m=user mp) do⦂ [].
        [user bluebug⇒[user waitnobug. ⇑self bordercomp]]]]
    [self usersize: user screenrect]
usersize: bound | m lim
    [[self origin≡nil⇒[origin←user mp. self extent←16]].
    self bordercomp. m←user mp.
    while⦂ true do⦂
        [lim←bound corner-self extent.
        [user redbug⇒
            [self bordercomp; moveto: (bound origin max: ((m←user mp) min: lim)); bordercomp]].
        [user yellowbug⇒[self bordercomp.
                corner←m←(user mp min: bound corner) max: origin. self bordercomp]].
        while⦂ (user anybug and⦂ m=user mp) do⦂ [].
        [user bluebug⇒[user waitnobug. ⇑self bordercomp]]]]

    ["Return self."]
    [⇑corner ]
    [⇑origin ]
bitsFromStream: strm | rec s [
    rec ← origin rect: origin + (self width ⌾ (16 min: self height)).
    s← String new: rec bitStringLength.
    while⦂ rec maxY ≤ corner y do⦂
        [strm into: s. rec bitsFromString: s; moveby: 0⌾16].
    rec minY < corner y⇒
        [rec corner y← corner y.
        s← nil. s← String new: rec bitStringLength.
        strm into: s. rec bitsFromString: s]]
bitsFromString: str
    ["default stores bits onto display"
    self bitsFromString: str mode: storing]
bitsFromString: str mode: mode [user croak] primitive: 52
bitsFromString: str mode: mode clippedBy: clipRect
        | destRect
    ["Load the screen bits within my area from those stored in str.
        If clipRect is not nil, then load only those bits within both
        myself and clipRect"
    self bitStringLength≠str length⇒[user notify: ’wrong bit string length’]
    destRect←self intersect: user screenrect.
    [nil≡clipRect⇒[] destRect←destRect intersect: clipRect].
    BitBlt init destbase←mem◦066;
    destraster←user screenrect width/16|2;
    dest←destRect origin;
    extent←destRect extent;
    sourceraster←corner x-origin x+15/16;
    source←destRect origin-origin;
    sourcebase ← str ; copy: mode]
bitsIntoString | str [
    str ← String new: self bitStringLength.
    self bitsIntoString: str mode: storing.
bitsIntoString: str
    ["default stores bits into the string"
    self bitsIntoString: str mode: storing]
bitsIntoString: str mode: mode [user croak] primitive: 51
bitsIntoString: str mode: mode clippedBy: clipRect
        | sourceRect
    ["Store the screen bits within my area into str. If clipRect is not nil,
        then store only those bits within both myself and clipRect,
        leaving alone the other bits in str"
    self bitStringLength≠str length⇒[user notify: ’wrong bit string length’]
    sourceRect←self intersect: user screenrect.
    [clipRect≡nil⇒[] sourceRect←sourceRect intersect: clipRect].
    BitBlt init destraster←corner x-origin x+15/16;
    dest←sourceRect origin-origin;
    extent←sourceRect extent;
    sourceraster←user screenrect width/16|2;
    source←sourceRect origin;
    destbase ← str ; copy: mode]
bitsOntoStream: strm | rec s [
    rec ← origin rect: origin + (self width ⌾ (16 min: self height)).
    s← (String new: rec bitStringLength) all←0.
    while⦂ rec maxY ≤ corner y do⦂
        [rec bitsIntoString: s; moveby: 0⌾16.
        strm append: s].
    rec minY < corner y⇒
        [rec bitsIntoString: s. strm append:
            s◦(1 to: s length/rec height*(corner y-rec minY))]]
bitStringLength | extent [
    extent ← corner - origin.
    ⇑ 2 * extent y* (extent x +15/16)]
hardcopy: pf [self hardcopy: pf thickness: 2]
hardcopy: pf thickness: th | r [
    for⦂ r from: ((self inset: 0-th) minus: self) do⦂ [pf showrect: r color: 0]]
printon: strm
    [strm print: origin; append: ’ rect: ’; print: corner]

blowup: at by: scale | z dest
    [dest ← Rectangle new origin: at extent: self extent*scale.
        [(dest has: origin) or: (dest has: corner) ⇒
            [z ← self bitsIntoString. dest outline.
            self moveto: dest origin. self bitsFromString: z]
        dest outline].
    self blowup: at by: scale spacing: 1]
blowup: at by: scale spacing: spacing
        | extent z inc sinc slice width height dest i j spread
    [extent ← self extent.
    scale ← scale asPoint. spacing ← spacing asPoint.
    dest ← Rectangle new origin: at extent: extent*scale.
    z ← 1⌾0. width ← extent x. height ← 0⌾extent y.
    spread ← (scale-spacing) x.
    for⦂ i to: 2 do⦂                                "first do horiz, then vert"
        [inc ← z * ¬1. sinc ← z * scale.
        slice ← Rectangle new
            origin: (z * width) + [i = 1 ⇒[self origin] at]
            extent: z + height.
        dest ← at + (z * (scale * width)).
        for⦂ j to: width do⦂                    "slice it up"
            [dest ← dest - sinc.
            slice moveby: inc.
            slice blt: dest mode: storing]
        slice ← Rectangle new origin: at + z
                        extent: height+(z*(scale-1)).
        for⦂ j to: width do⦂        "clear slice source"
            [slice clear: white. slice moveby: sinc]
        slice ← Rectangle new origin: at
                        extent: height + (z * ((scale*width)-1)).
        for⦂ j to: spread - 1 do⦂                "spread it out"
            [slice blt: at + z mode: oring]
        z ← 0⌾1.                    "flip to do vertical"
        width ← extent y. height ← (scale*extent) x⌾0.
        spread ← (scale-spacing) y]
blt: dest mode: mode [user croak] primitive: 47
blt: dest mode: mode clippedBy: clipRect
        | destRect clippedSource
    ["Copy the screen bits within my area to the rectangle whose
        origin is dest and whose extent is the same as mine.
        If clipRect is not nil, then copy only those bits within both
        the destination rectangle and clipRect"
    destRect←(Rectangle new origin: dest extent: self extent)
        intersect: user screenrect.
    [nil≡clipRect⇒[] destRect←destRect intersect: clipRect].
    "find the source for the bits after clipping"
    clippedSource←origin+destRect origin-dest.
    BitBlt init
        destraster←user screenrect width/16|2;
        dest←destRect origin;
        extent←destRect extent;
        sourceraster←user screenrect width/16|2;
        copy: mode]
bltcomp: dest mode: mode [user croak] primitive: 48
brush: dest mode: mode color: color [user croak] primitive: 49
brush: dest mode: mode color: color clippedBy: clipRect
        | destRect clippedSource
    ["Brush the screen bits within my area to the rectangle whose
        origin is dest and whose extent is the same as mine.
        If clipRect is not nil, then brush only those bits within both
        the destination rectangle and clipRect"
    destRect←(Rectangle new origin: dest extent: self extent)
        intersect: user screenrect.
    [nil≡clipRect⇒[] destRect←destRect intersect: clipRect].
    "find the source for the bits after clipping"
    clippedSource←origin+destRect origin-dest.
    BitBlt init
        destraster←user screenrect width/16|2;
        dest←destRect origin;
        extent←destRect extent;
        sourceraster←user screenrect width/16|2;
        paint: mode]
clear        "default is backround"
    [self color: background mode: storing]
clear: color
    [self color: color mode: storing]
color: color mode: mode [user croak] primitive: 50
    [self color: black mode: xoring]
comp: color
    [self color: color mode: xoring]
fillin: color mode: mode | T bits p s dirs i which        "Rectangle new fromuser fillin: gray"
    [T ← Turtle init.
    p← origin + (self width⌾0).
    s← Rectangle new origin: p extent: self extent.
    dirs←((1⌾0), (¬1⌾0), (0⌾1), (0⌾¬1)).
    bits← s bitsIntoString.
    self blt: p mode: storing.        "s ← self"
    user waitbug. T place: user mp; pendn.
    while⦂ user anybug do⦂        "draw seed in self"
        [T goto: user mp].
    self blt: p mode: xoring.        "s ← seed only"
    s blt: origin mode: xoring.        "take seed out of self"
    user waitbug.
    while⦂ user anybug do⦂
        [for⦂ which from: 0 to: 2 by: 2 do⦂ [
        for⦂ i to: 2 do⦂
            [s blt: dirs◦(which+i)+p mode: oring]        "smear seed around"
        self blt: p mode: erasing]]        "then clip to outline"
    s brush: origin mode: mode color: color.        "paint it in"
    s bitsFromString: bits]        "restore background to s"
flash [self comp; comp]
    [self color: black mode: xoring]
rotate        "(0⌾0 rect: 128⌾128) rotate."
        | size maskr spt mpt tpt data temp atab btab i unit
    [size ← self extent x. spt ← size⌾size.        "size must be a power of 2"
    data ← Rectangle new origin: origin extent: spt.
    maskr ← Rectangle new origin: (mpt← origin + (0⌾size)) extent: spt.
    temp ← Rectangle new origin: (tpt← mpt + (size⌾0)) extent: spt.
    atab ← (0⌾0),(1⌾0),(0⌾0),(0⌾1),(1⌾1),(0⌾1),(1⌾0),(¬1⌾0),(1⌾0).
    btab ← (0⌾0),(1⌾1),(0⌾0),(1⌾1),(¬1⌾¬1),(1⌾1).
    unit ← size/2.
    maskr clear: white.
    (Rectangle new origin: mpt extent: unit⌾unit) clear: black.
    until⦂ unit<1 do⦂
        [for⦂ i to: 3 do⦂        "flip left and right halves"
            [temp clear: white.
            maskr blt: atab◦i*unit + tpt mode: storing.
            maskr blt: atab◦(3+i)*unit + tpt mode: oring.
            data bltcomp: tpt mode: erasing.
            temp blt: atab◦(6+i)*unit + origin mode: xoring].
        for⦂ i to: 3 do⦂        "flip diagonals"
            [temp clear: white.
            maskr blt: btab◦i*unit + tpt mode: storing.
            data bltcomp: tpt mode: erasing.
            temp blt: btab◦(3+i)*unit + origin mode: xoring].
        (unit← unit/2)<1⇒[]
        maskr blt: (0⌾unit)+mpt mode: erasing.
        maskr blt: (unit⌾0)+mpt mode: erasing.
        maskr blt: (unit*2⌾0)+mpt mode: oring.
        maskr blt: (0⌾(2*unit))+mpt mode: oring]]

border: thick color: color    "paints a border withoud disturbing interior"
    [(Rectangle new
        origin: origin-(thick⌾thick) corner: (corner x+thick)⌾origin y)
    clear: color;
    moveto: (origin x-thick)⌾corner y; clear: color;
    origin ← corner x⌾(origin y-thick); clear: color;
    moveto: origin-(thick⌾thick); clear: color]
boxcomp    "paints a border withoud disturbing interior"
    [(Rectangle new
        origin: origin-(2⌾2) corner: (corner x+2)⌾origin y)
    color: black mode: xoring;
    moveto: (origin x-2)⌾corner y; color: black mode: xoring;
    origin ← corner x⌾(origin y-2); color: black mode: xoring;
    moveto: origin-(2⌾2); color: black mode: xoring]
outline     "default border is two thick"
    [self outline: 2]
outline: thick | t
    [t ← (¬1⌾¬1)*thick.
    (self inset: t) clear: black. self clear: white]

SystemOrganization classify: ↪Rectangle under: ’Form Path Image’.

Class new title: ’TextImage’
    subclassof: Textframe
    fields: ’c1 c2 begintypein superimage figure ground’
    declare: ’cut esc paste aurora Scrap scrap bs Deletion aurorarunning paragraphmenu ctlw ’;

This class has not yet been commented

    bs ← 8. ctlw ← 145. esc ← 160. cut ← 173. paste ← 158.
    Scrap ← Deletion ← nullString.
    paragraphmenu ← Menu new string:
    aurora ← "Aurora new" nil.
    aurorarunning ← false.
paragraph: para frame: frame style: style
    self paragraph: para frame: frame style: style figure: 1 ground: 0
paragraph: para frame: frame style: style figure: figure ground: ground
    [nil≡ para ⇒ [ para ← nullString ]].
    c1 ← c2 ← begintypein← 1.
    self para: para frame: frame style: style
text: t width: w | run r
    c1 ← c2 ← begintypein← 1.
    run ← String new: 2. run word: 1 ← 16 * 7 + 0177400.
    r ← Rectangle new origin: 0⌾0 extent: w⌾(DefaultTextStyle lineheight+2).
    self paragraph: (Paragraph new text: t runs: run alignment: 2) frame: r style: DefaultTextStyle.


    [para alignment ← ↪(1 2 4 0 0)◦(1+para alignment).
    self show.
    self reversefrom: c1 to: c2.
checklooks | t val mask [
    "see ParagraphEditor checklooks.
    substitute c1 for loc1, c2 for loc2, oldEntity for oldpara, entity for para"
    t ← ↪(166 150 137 151 230 214 201 215
        135 159 144 143 128 127 129 131 180 149
        199 223 208 207 192 191 240 226) find: user kbck.
    user kbd.
    t=25⇒[self toBravo]; "ctl-T"
     =26⇒[self fromBravo]. "ctl-F"

    "[oldEntity⇒[] oldEntity ← entity recopy]."
    val ← ↪(1 2 4 256 ¬1 ¬2 ¬4 256 "ctl-b i - x B I ¬ X"
        0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 "ctl-0 1 ... 9"
        160 176 192 208 224 240)◦t. "ctl-shift-0 1 ... 5"
    [val=256⇒[mask← 0377. val← 0]        "reset all"
        val<0⇒[mask← 0-val. val← 0]        "reset emphasis"
        val>0 and⦂ val<16⇒[mask← val]    "set emphasis"
        mask← 0360].                "set font"
    para maskrun: c1 to: c2-1 under: mask to: val]
    ["copy the current selection and store it in the Scrap."
    Scrap ← para copy: c1 to: c2-1.
    ["cut out the current selection and redisplay the paragraph."
    Scrap ← para copy: c1 to: c2-1.
    self reversefrom: c1 to: c2.    "deselect old selection"
    para replace: c1 to: c2-1 by: nullString.
    c2 ← c1.
    begintypein ← false.
    self show.
    self reversefrom: c1 to: c2.    "show new selection"
edit: superimage | pt charindex
    "eventually a general paragraph manipulator for now just a hack."
    self show ; reversefrom: c1 to: c2." show current selection"user waitnobug.
    until⦂ 1=2 do⦂ "forever for now"
        user kbck⇒ [self kbd]
        user yellowbug⇒ [paragraphmenu bug
            =1⇒    [self resize ]; "resize"
            =2⇒    [self fit]; "include all of the text in the current selection"
            =3⇒    [self cut]; "delete the current selection"
            =4⇒    [self paste]; "paste the Scrap over the selection"
            =5⇒    [self copyselection]; "copy current selection"
            =6⇒    [self align]; "change the alignment of the paragraph"
            =7⇒    [self setfigure]; "set color corrisponding to 1"
            =8⇒    [self setground] "set color corrisponding to 1"
        user redbug⇒ [self reversefrom: c1 to: c2. frame has: (pt ← user mp)⇒
                                        [self select: pt]
        user tabletbug⇒ [frame has: (pt ← user mp)⇒
                                        [self tabletBug]
                            self reversefrom: c1 to: c2. ⇑self.]
        user bluebug⇒ [self reversefrom: c1 to: c2. "erase current selection"
                                ⇑self.] "and exit back to the document"
        [    [begintypein<c1⇒
                [Scrap ← para copy: begintypein to: c1-1.
                c1 ← begintypein]].
        begintypein ← false]
fit| t
    ["make the bounding rectangle of the TextImage contain all the textwhile not changing the width of the TextImage."
    self white.
    frame extent← ((frame width)⌾ 1000).
    t ← self rectofchar: (para length+1).
    frame extent← (frame width)⌾((t corner y) - (frame origin y)).
    self show. frame border: 1 color: ¬1. self reversefrom: c1 to: c2.
kbd | more char "key struck on the keyboard"
    [c1<c2 and⦂ self checklooks⇒[⇑ self show reversefrom: c1 to: c2]
    more ← Set new string: 16.
    [begintypein⇒[] Deletion ← para copy: c1 to: c2-1. begintypein ← c1].
    while⦂ (char ← user kbdnext) do⦂ [
        =bs⇒ ["backspace"
            more empty⇒ [begintypein ← begintypein min: (c1 ← 1 max: c1-1)]
            more skip: ¬1];
        =cut⇒ [⇑self cut];
        =paste⇒ [⇑self paste];
        =ctlw⇒ ["ctl-w for backspace word"
            more reset.
            c1 ← 1 max: c1-1.    
            while⦂ [c1>1 and⦂ (para◦(c1-1)) tokenish] do⦂ [c1 ← c1-1].
            begintypein ← begintypein min: c1];
        =esc⇒ ["select previous type-in"
                    [more empty⇒[self reversefrom: c1 to: c2]
            para replace: c1 to: c2-1 by: more. c1 ← c2].
            self fintype.
            c1 ← c2-Scrap length.
            ⇑self reversefrom: c1 to: c2]
        "just a normal character"
    more next← char].
        para replace: c1 to: c2-1 by: more. c2 ← c1 + more length. c1 ← c2.
    self show. self reversefrom: c1 to: c2]
    ["paste the Scrap over the current selection and redisplay the paragraph."
    self fintype.
    self reversefrom: c1 to: c2.    "deselect current selection"
    para replace: c1 to: c2-1 by: Scrap.
    c2 ← c1 + Scrap length.
    self show.
    self reversefrom: c1 to: c2.    "highlight new selection"
resize | t pt xgrid ygrid
    ["Show the origin cursor until the user presses a mouse button,
        then get my origin"
    "Show the corner cursor and show me until user nobug
    t←frame origin.
    CornerCursor topage1.
    user waitbug. self white.
    frame corner← frame origin.
    until⦂ user nobug do⦂
            [self white.
            ( pt ←
            ((superimage superimage) mp)+
                ((superimage superimage) rectangle origin)).
            frame corner← pt max: frame origin+ (16⌾(style lineheight)).
            self displayat: frame origin effect: 0 clippedBy: frame.
    NormalCursor topage1.
    self show. frame boxcomp. self reversefrom: c1 to: c2.
setfigure |
    ["for now just increment the figure color by 1 \ 14"
    figure ← (figure +1 ) \ 14.
    self displayat: (self frame origin) effect: 0 clippedBy: user screenrect.
setground |
    ["for now just increment the figure color by 1 \ 14"
    ground ← (ground +1 ) \ 14.
    self displayat: (self frame origin) effect: 0 clippedBy: user screenrect.
    ["white out the image"
    (frame inset: (¬2⌾¬2)) clear: 0.

complementfrom: hair1 to: hair2 | temprect
["Complement the screen dots corresponding to the lines and part-lines of the paragraph between hair1 inclusive and hair2 exclusive. If hair1 = hair2, this is a no-op. If hair1 > hair2, they are reversed. This complementing happens in three parts, A, B, and C, between points 1 and 2, according to the following illustration:
unless there is just one line involved, as in:
    "one line case"
    hair1 minY = hair2 minY⇒
        [((([hair1 minX ≤ hair2 minX⇒ [hair1 origin rect: hair2 corner]
        hair2 origin rect: hair1 corner]) intersect: frame) intersect: window) comp]

    [hair1 minY > hair2 minY⇒ [
        temprect ← hair1. hair1 ← hair2. hair2 ← temprect]].

    temprect ← (frame minX ⌾ hair1 maxY) rect: (frame maxX ⌾ hair2 minY).
    (((hair1 origin rect: (temprect maxX ⌾ temprect minY)) intersect: frame) intersect: window) comp.
    ((temprect intersect: frame) intersect: window) comp.
    ((((temprect minX ⌾ temprect maxY) rect: hair2 corner) intersect: frame) intersect: window) comp.
reversefrom: char1 to: char2| h1 h2
["Complement the dots corresponding to the the lines and part-lines of the paragraph between the left edge of char1 and the left edge of char2. If char1 = char2, this is sort of a no-op. If char1 > char2, this is undefined."
    self ptofchar: char1. h1 ← reply1 rect: reply2.
    [char2=char1⇒[h2 ← h1+ (1⌾0)] self ptofchar: char2. h2 ← reply1 rect: reply2.].
    self complementfrom: h1 to: h2]
select: pt | h1 h2 c h drag2 selection
    "draw out and record ( c1 and c2) a selection"
    c1 ← c2 ← self charofpt: pt.
    h1 ← reply1 rect: reply2.
    h2 ← h1 + (1⌾0).
    self complementfrom: h1 to: h2.
    selection ← true.
    while⦂ (pt ← user mpnext) do⦂ [
        c ← self charofpt: pt.
        h ← "proj screenHairBeforeThatChar" reply1 rect: reply2.
        [c1 = c2⇒ [drag2 ← c ≥ c2]].
        [drag2⇒ [
            [c < c1⇒ [h ← self ptofchar: (c ← c1). h ← reply1 rect: reply2.]].
            self complementfrom: h to: h2.
            c2 ← c. h2 ← h]
        [c > c2⇒ [h ← self ptofchar: (c ← c2). h ← reply1 rect: reply2.]].
        self complementfrom: h1 to: h.        c1 ← c. h1 ← h].
        h1 = h2⇒ [
            self complementfrom: h1 to: (h2 ← h1 + (1⌾0))]].
    drag2⇒ []
    "get rid of extra line in backwards select"
    self complementfrom: h2 - (1⌾0) to: h2]

copy | t
    t ← TextImage new paragraph: para copy frame: (frame copy) style: style copy.
    t c1← c1 ; c2← c2 ; begintypein ← begintypein.
    ⇑ t
fromPress: press value: s [
    "frame set by Image"
    para ← Paragraph new fromPress: press value: s.
    figure ← s nextword.
    self paragraph: para frame: frame style: DefaultTextStyle
        figure: figure ground: s nextword]
hideData: complete | s p [
    p ← para hideData: complete.
    Stream new of: (s ← String new: p length+4);
        append: p;
        nextword ← figure;
        nextword ← ground.
hidePress: press complete: c [
    press skipcode: self pressCode data: (self hideData: c)]
pressCode [⇑4]
presson: press in: r
    ⇑ para presson: press in: r.
show | lastvisible
    ["display text and expand the frame in y to include all of
        the text if the textimage is too small"
    super show.
    lastvisible ← self rectofchar: para length.    "see if lastvisible out of frame"
    lastvisible bottom > frame bottom ⇒
        [frame corner y← lastvisible corner y.
            super show.

begintypein← begintypein
c1← c1
c2← c2
    ["return the figure color (color associated with black) for this TextImage"
    ⇑ figure
figure: figure
    ["change the figure color (color associated with black) for this TextImage"]
    ["return the ground color (color associated with white) for this TextImage"
    ⇑ ground
ground: ground
    ["change the ground color (color associated with white) for this TextImage"]
    [ (self para) flushleft]
    ["Return rectangle (frame of Textframe) for compatibility with Image calls --
        needed in findbyrect: in Document"
    [⇑ self para text]

displayat: pt effect: effect clippedBy: cliprect | clippedrect
    ["display text "
    super displayat: pt effect: effect clippedBy: cliprect.
                [user displayoffwhile⦂
                        [clippedrect ← (super frame) intersect: (user screenrect).
                        aurora destination: clippedrect ; source: clippedrect ;
                        figure: figure ; ground: ground ; function: 002117 "AoverB" ;
                         doit; function: 0 ; doit.

SystemOrganization classify: ↪TextImage under: ’Form Path Image’.
TextImage classInit