’From Smalltalk 5.5k XM November 24 on 22 November 1980 at 2:57:08 am.’
Class new title: ’ParagraphScanner’
    subclassof: Object
    fields: ’para "<Paragraph>"
        style "<TextStyle>"
        press "<PressFile> for output"
        runstrm "<Stream> of paragraph runs"
        textstrm "<Stream> of paragraph text"
        font "<WidthTable> current font"
        ascent "<Integer> max ascent"
        descent "<Integer> negative max descent"
        width "<Integer> total width"
        spaces "<Integer> number of spaces"
        rect "<Rectangle> for printing"
        tabpos "<Stream> (text position, new X position) of tabs"
    declare: ’’;

Scans through a paragraph computing the dimensions of a partial line of text.

in: rect
    [ascent ← descent ← width ← spaces ← 0. tabpos reset]
of: para to: press style: style
    [textstrm ← ’’ asStream.
    runstrm ← para runs asStream.
    tabpos ← (Vector new: 10) asStream]

position [⇑textstrm position]
width [⇑width]

    [textstrm skip: ¬1]
scan "Scan up to a zero-width character, back up to last blank if width exceeded"
        | maxw sp char t
            "Save state" spos slim srunpos sasc sdesc swidth ssp sfont stpos
    [textstrm end and⦂ self newrun≡false⇒ [⇑false]
    maxw ← rect width.
        [ascent ← ascent max: font ascent.
        descent ← descent max: font descent.
        sp ← font space.
        while⦂ [
            t ← font scan: textstrm until: width exceeds: maxw.
            [(char ← t◦1) ≡ true⇒ [] width ← t◦2].
            char = 040] do⦂
            ["Save state"
                spos ← textstrm position. slim ← textstrm limit.
                srunpos ← runstrm position. stpos ← tabpos position.
                sasc ← ascent. sdesc ← descent.
                swidth ← width. ssp ← spaces. sfont ← font.
            spaces ← spaces+1.
            width ← width+sp].

            [(char≡true and⦂ nil≠spos) and⦂ (2*ascent ≤ rect height)⇒ [
                "Back up to just past last blank (if another line fits)"
                textstrm of: para text from: spos+1 to: slim.
                runstrm position ← srunpos. tabpos position ← stpos.
                ascent ← sasc. descent ← sdesc.
                width ← swidth. spaces ← ssp. font ← sfont.
        self newrun]
     do⦂ [].
    [spaces ← 0.
    tabpos next ← textstrm position;
        next ← (width ← width + font tab | font tab)]

printfrom: charpos aligned: align skip: n "Returns false if goes below bottom"
        | ybot a b ix iy px xs sp rs len tpos ts ntab rval ifont w ps [
    "this code basically writes the EL (entity list) for a line"
    "bottom of character -- ascent not really ascent but height"
    (ybot ← rect corner y - ascent) < rect origin y ⇒ [
        "won’t fit" ⇑false]

    a ← charpos + 1.
    b ← textstrm position - n.
    [a > b ⇒ ["No text"]
    ts ← tabpos viewer.
    tpos ← ts next.

    px ← false.
    xs ← rect width - width.
    ix ← rect minX + ["left margin offset" align=2⇒ [xs/2]; =4⇒[xs] 0].
    "set baseline of character. do setx before showchars"
    press sety: (iy ← ybot + descent).
    sp ← font space "kludge?".
    [align=1⇒ ["do setspacex before showchars"] press setspacex: sp].

    rs ← (para run: a to: b) asStream.
    while⦂ (len ← rs next) do⦂ [
        press selectfont: (press fontindex: (rval ← rs next) style: style) - 1.
        b ← a+len.

        [(rval land: 4) = 0⇒ ["no underlining"]
        "unfortunately, we must rescan this part of line to find out how wide it is"
        ifont ← press codefont: rval style: style "a WidthTable".
        ps ← (para◦(a to: b-1)) asStream.
        w ← true, 0.
        while⦂ w◦1 do⦂ [
            w ← ifont scan: ps until: w◦2 exceeds: rect width.
            w◦1 = 040⇒ [w◦2 ← w◦2 + ifont space];
                =011⇒ [w◦2 ← w◦2 + ifont tab | ifont tab]].

        [px⇒ ["use current x position"] press setx: ix].
        "change y position to show rectangle, then change y back again"
        press sety: iy-40; showrectwidth: w◦2 height: 30; sety: iy].

        ntab ← 0.
        while⦂ (tpos and⦂ tpos<b) do⦂ [    "Put out tabs"
            [tpos = a⇒ ["no text between this tab and last"]
            "put out accumulated tabs or initial x"
            [ntab> 0⇒ [
                press skipchars: ntab; setx: px.
                ntab ← 0]
            px⇒ []
            press setx: (px ← ix)].
            press showchars: tpos-a].
            ntab ← ntab+1.
            px ← ix + ts next.
            a ← tpos+1.
            tpos ← ts next].
        [ntab> 0⇒ [
            press skipchars: ntab;
                setx: px]
        px⇒ []
        press setx: (px ← ix)].

        [align=1 and⦂ tpos≡false ⇒        ["Reset space width"
            [spaces=0⇒ [] press setspacex: xs/spaces+sp].
            align ← 0]].
        rs end⇒ [
            "for more compactness, maybe"
            press showchars: b-a skip: n.
        press showchars: b-a.
        a ← b]].
    [n > 0⇒ [
        "skip over ending blank or carriage return"
        press skipchars: n]].

Private scanning
newrun | len pos [
    len ← runstrm next⇒
        [pos ← textstrm position.
        textstrm of: para text from: pos+1 to: pos+len.
        font ← press codefont: (runstrm next) style: style]

SystemOrganization classify: ↪ParagraphScanner under: ’Press File Support’.

Class new title: ’PressFile’
    subclassof: Object
    fields: ’DL "<File> stores data list"
        EL "<Set> accumulates entity list"
        parts "<Set> accumulates part directory"
        DLstart "<Integer> position of current entity in DL"
        ELstart "<Integer> word position of current entity in EL"
        Pstart "<Integer> record position of current page in DL"
        eorigin "<Point>"
        scale "<Integer> micas per Alto screen dot"
        boundbox "<Rectangle> bounding box for current page"
        fontcodes "<Vector> of run codes corresponding to current fonts"
        fontdefs "<Vector of WidthTables> corresponding to fontcodes"
        estate "<Vector> of some entity state"
        FL "<Set> accumulates strings for Ext. File part" ’
    declare: ’prevstyle SMentity recordsize printers printerMenu ’;

There are two levels of code in this class: the low-level Press commands and the high level user commands. At the moment, only text, lines and bitmaps are supported (see Paragraph presson:in: and class ParagraphScanner for the former). ignores bounding box stuff. limited reading.

see <GR-DOCS>PressFormat.Press and PressFormat-figure.Press for more details

of: DL [
    EL ← Set new string: 200.
    FL ← Set new string: 40.
    parts ← Set new string: 40.
    fontcodes ← Vector new: 0.
    fontdefs ← Vector new: 0.
    estate ← Vector new: 3 "font, spacex, spacey, ...".
    prevstyle← nil.
    self scale: PressScale;
reset [
    DL readwriteshorten; reset.
    self of: DL]
scale: scale

defaultPrinterName [
    ⇑[currentProfile ≡ nil⇒ [PrinterName] currentProfile printerName]]
name [⇑DL name]
scale [⇑scale]

Entity/Page/File Commands
box: rect hue: hue sat: sat bright: bright containing⦂ expr | w r
    [self entity: (self transrect: (w← rect inset: ¬2)) containing⦂
        [for⦂ r from: (w minus: rect) do⦂
            [self showrect: r color: 0].
            [self hue: hue; saturation: sat;
                showrect: rect color: bright; brightness: 0]].
        expr eval]]
clip: boundingbox
close | p i font [
    DL writing≡false⇒ [DL close]
    self closePage.
    parts≡false or⦂ parts empty⇒ []

    "if present, include the external file part --- added Sept 80"

    [FL empty⇒[]
    self part⦂ [DL append: FL] code: 2.
    FL reset.
    self padpage].

    "put font names and descriptions into font directory (part)"
    self part⦂ [
        for⦂ i to: fontdefs length do⦂ [
            font ← fontdefs ◦ i.
            DL nextword← 16; nextword← i-1;
                next ← font min; next ← font max.
            self Bcpl: font name pad: 20.
            DL next ← font face; next ← font min;
                nextword ← font pointsize; nextword← 0]]
        code: 1.

    "write part directory. Pstart is current page position"
    DL append: parts asReadStream.
    self padpage.
    p ← self recordnum.

    "document directory"
    DL nextword← 27183; "press password"
        nextword← p + 1 "number of records";
        nextword← parts position / 8 "number of parts";
        nextword← Pstart; "part dir and length"
        nextword← p - Pstart;
        nextword← ¬1; "backpointer to obsolete doc dir"
        append: user timewords; "2 time words"
        nextword← 1; "first and last copies"
        nextword← 1;
        nextword← ¬1; "first and last pages"
        nextword ← ¬1;
        nextword ← ’S’◦1 "solid color (looked at by color printers)";
        next: 2*(0177-12) ← 0377.

    p ← user now.
    self Bcpl: self name pad: 52;
        Bcpl: [currentProfile≡nil⇒ [dp0 diskID◦1] currentProfile printedBy] pad: 32;
        Bcpl: [((String new: 40) asStream) print: p◦1; space; print: p◦2; contents] pad: 40;
    DL close.
    parts reset]
entity: box containing⦂ expr | v [
    self startEntity.
    boundbox ← box.
    v ← expr eval.
    self closeEntity.
entityorigin: eorigin
page [self closePage]
pictureinit [self pictureinit: user screenrect scale: PressScale]
pictureinit: rect scale: scale
    [boundbox ← boundbox include: (self transrect: rect).
    self somefont]
screenout: rect scale: scale
    ["puts a bit map image onto the PressFile. The standard
    scaling is 32 micas per Alto dot. 22 looks better, Dover only
    works with 32"
    user displayoffwhile⦂ [
        self somefont; setp: (self transrect: rect) origin; bitmap: rect bits: false; close]]
selectPrinter [⇑self selectPrinter: self defaultPrinterName]
selectPrinter: oldName | t [
    user cr; show: ’select a printer (currently ’;
        show: [oldName≡false or⦂ oldName empty⇒ [’none’] oldName]; show: ’)’.
    user cursorloc ← user screenrect center; restoredisplay.
    t ← 0.
    while⦂ t = 0 do⦂ [t ← printerMenu wbug].
    ⇑[t ≤ printers length⇒ [printers◦t]
        t = (printers length+1)⇒ ["same" oldName] "none" false]]
toPrinter [self toPrinter: self defaultPrinterName]
toPrinter: ndest "a printer name" | psocket dest np t perr [
    ndest ≡ false⇒ ["don’t try to print" ⇑false]

    E ≡ nil⇒ [
        "use O.S. if Smalltalk ethercode not alive"
        t ← (String new: 100) asStream.
        t append: ’Empress. ’; append: self name.
        [ndest length > 0⇒ [t space; append: ndest; append: ’/H’]].
        t append: ’; Resume.~ Small.Boot’.
        user quitThen: t asReadStream]

    dest ← ’’.
    perr ← psocket ← false.
    np ← printers length+1.
    DL readonly.

    while⦂ ndest do⦂ [
        perr or⦂ ndest empty⇒ [
            perr ← false.
            ndest ← self selectPrinter: dest]

        [dest = ndest⇒ ["to same printer"]
        dest ← ndest.
        "close previous socket"
        psocket⇒ [psocket close. psocket ← false]].

        [psocket⇒ []
        "create new socket"
        psocket ← EFTPSender new hostName: dest⇒ [psocket wakeup]
        user cr; show: ’name lookup failure’].

        "send file"
        psocket and⦂ (user displayoffwhile⦂ [psocket send: DL reset])⇒ [
            "success--stop" ndest ← false]

        "failure--switch servers?"
        perr ← true].

    "cleanup after success or abort"
    DL close.
    psocket⇒ [psocket close]]

codefont: code style: style
    [⇑fontdefs◦(self fontindex: code style: style)]
fontindex: code style: style | ix font n
    ["return index if in font dictionary"
    code ← code land: 0363.        "Remove underline and strikeout"
            [(ix ← fontcodes find: code) > 0 ⇒ [⇑ix]]
        fontcodes all← nil. "invalid across style change"
        prevstyle← style].
    n ← code / 16 + 1.
    font ← (WidthTable new
        named: (style fontfamily: n)
        pointsize: (style fontsize: n)
        face: (code / 2 land: 1) + (code * 2 land: 2))
    (ix← fontdefs find: font)>0⇒
        [fontcodes◦ix← code. ⇑ix]
    "add entry to font dictionary"
    fontdefs length=16⇒[user notify: ’too many fonts’. ⇑1]
    fontcodes ← fontcodes, code.
    fontdefs ← fontdefs, font.
    ⇑fontcodes length]
selectfont: f [
    estate◦1 = f⇒ []
    EL next ← 0160 + (estate◦1 ← f)]
somefont        "fool self into writing non-empty fontdir"
    [self fontindex: 5*16 style: DefaultTextStyle]

transpt: p
    [⇑ Point new x: (p x * scale) asInteger y: (25400 - (p y * scale)) asInteger]
transrect: rect
    [⇑ Rectangle new
        origin: (self transpt: rect minX ⌾ rect maxY)
        corner: (self transpt: rect maxX ⌾ rect minY)]

EL commands
brightness: b [EL next← 0370; next← b]
hue: b [EL next← 0371; next← b]
onlyoncopy: n [EL next ← 0355; next ← n]
resetspace [EL next ← 0366]
saturation: s [EL next← 0372; next← s]
setp: p [
    "self setx: p x; sety: p y"
    EL next ← 0356; nextword ← p x;
        next ← 0357; nextword ← p y]
setspacex: x [
    estate◦2 = x⇒ []
    estate◦2 ← x.
    x ≥ 0 and⦂ x ≤ 2047⇒ ["short form" EL nextword ← 060000 + x]
    EL next ← 0364; nextword ← x]
setspacey: y [
    estate◦3 = y⇒ []
    estate◦3 ← y.
    y ≥ 0 and⦂ y ≤ 2047⇒ ["short form" EL nextword ← 064000 + y]
    EL next ← 0365; nextword ← y]
setx: x [EL next ← 0356; nextword ← x]
sety: y [EL next ← 0357; nextword ← y]
showchar: char ["immediate" EL next ← 0363; next ← char]
showchars: n [
    n=0⇒ []
    n ≥ 1 and⦂ n ≤ 32⇒ ["short form" EL next ← n-1]
    EL next ← 0360; next ← n]
showchars: n skip: t [
    t=1 and⦂ (n ≥ 1 and⦂ n ≤ 32)⇒ [EL next ← 0100 + n-1]
    self showchars: n; skipchars: t]
showdots: nwords [EL next ← 0374; nextNumber: 4 ← nwords]
showdotsopaque: nwords [EL next ← 0375; nextNumber: 4 ← nwords]
showrect: rect [
    self setp: rect origin.
    EL next ← 0376;
        nextword ← rect width;
        nextword ← rect height]
showrect: rect color: c [
    [ColorPrint⇒ [self brightness: c]].
    self showrect: (self transrect: rect)]
showrectwidth: w height: h [EL next ← 0376; nextword ← w; nextword ← h]
skipchars: n [
    n=0⇒ []
    n ≥ 1 and⦂ n ≤ 32⇒ ["short form" EL next ← 040 + n-1]
    EL next ← 0361; next ← n]
skipcontrol: n [
    EL next ← 0353; next ← n.
    "now put n bytes in EL"]
skipcontrol: n type: t [
    "n bytes have been put in DL"
    EL next ← 0362; nextword ← n; next ← t]
space [EL next ← 0367]

AIS: file width: w height: h croprect: r at: pt scale: s
    [self setp: (self transpt: pt); dots⦂
        [self setcoding: 8 "byte samples" dots: w lines: h;
                setmode: 3 "to right and to bottom of page";
                setsizewidth: (s*r width*scale) asInteger height: (s*r height*scale) asInteger;
                setwindowwidth: r width height: r height skipdots: r minX skiplines: r minY;
                dotsfromAIS: file]]
(dp0 pressfile: ’pix.press’) somefont; AIS: ’girl.ais’ width: 512 height: 512 croprect: (50⌾50 rect: 500⌾500) at: 36⌾80 scale: 0.65; close.
bitmap: rect bits: bits | w w16 h [
    "some pecularities of spruce:
    scale must be 32, and multiples of 16 for width (maybe extra stuff prints)"
    w ← rect width.
    w16 ← w + 15 | 16 "width to next word boundary".
    h ← rect height.
    "origin should be set earlier"
    self dots⦂ [
        self setcoding: 0 "bitmap" dots: w16 lines: h;
            setmode: 3 "to right and to bottom of page";
            setsizewidth: scale * w16 height: scale * h;
            setwindowwidth: [ColorPrint⇒ [w] w16] height: h;
        bits⇒["bits supplied" DL append: bits]
        "else from screen"
        rect bitsOntoStream: DL]]
dots⦂ exp | dlpos [
    dlpos ← self padword.
    exp eval.
    self showdots: DL wordposition - dlpos]
dotsfollow [DL nextword ← 3]
dotsfromAIS: file | f
    [f←file length inString+file+[file length even⇒[’ ’]’’]. "BCPLize"
    DL nextword ← 4; nextword ← 4; append: f. FL append: f]
setcoding: c dots: d lines: l [
    DL next ← 1; next ← c;
        nextword ← d; nextword ← l]
setmode: m [DL next ← 2; next ← m]
setsizewidth: w height: h [
    DL nextword ← 2; nextword ← w; nextword ← h]
setwindowwidth: w height: h [
    self setwindowwidth: w height: h skipdots: 0 skiplines: 0]
setwindowwidth: w height: h skipdots: sd skiplines: sl
    [DL nextword ← 1;
        nextword ← sd; nextword ← w;
        nextword ← sl; nextword ← h]

drawcurve: v [
    v length ≠ 12⇒ [user notify: ’illegal drawcurve’]
    DL nextword ← 2.
    for⦂ v from: v do⦂ [DL nextword ← v]]
drawdiscat: pt radius: radius | dx dy i
    [radius ≤ 16 ⇒ []
     dx ← ↪(5 4 3 1 ¬1 ¬3 ¬4 ¬5 ¬5 ¬4 ¬3 ¬1 1 3 4 5).
     dy ← ↪(1 3 4 5 5 4 3 1 ¬1 ¬3 ¬4 ¬5 ¬5 ¬4 ¬3 ¬1).
     self showobject⦂ [
        self moveto: pt + ((dx◦16*radius/5) ⌾ (dy◦16*radius/5)).
         for⦂ i to: 16 do⦂
            [self drawto: pt + ((dx◦i*radius/5) ⌾ (dy◦i*radius/5))]]]
drawlinefrom: p1 to: p2 width: width | d length t1 t2
    [[(d ← p2-p1) = (0⌾0) ⇒ []
        d x← d x asFloat. d y← d y asFloat. width ← width asFloat.
        length ← ((d x*d x)+(d y*d y)) sqrt.
        d x← (d x*width/length) asInteger.
        d y← (d y*width/length) asInteger.
        t1 ← d y ⌾ (0 - d x).
        t2 ← 0 - d y ⌾ d x.
        self showobject⦂ [
            self moveto: p1 + t1.
            self drawto: p2 + t1.
            self drawto: p2 + t2.
            self drawto: p1 + t2.
            self drawto: p1 + t1]].
     self drawdiscat: p2 radius: width]
drawlinefromscreen: p1 to: p2 width: width
    [⇑self drawlinefrom: (self transpt: p1) to: (self transpt: p2) width: (width*scale)]
drawto: p [DL nextword ← 1; nextPoint ← p]
moveto: p [DL nextword ← 0; nextPoint ← p]
object⦂ expr atScreen: p
    [self showobject⦂ [self objectGotoScreen: p pen: 0. expr eval]]
objectGotoScreen: p pen: pen [
    DL nextword← pen; nextPoint ← (self transpt: p)]
showobject⦂ exp | p [
    p ← self padword.
    "expression containing moveto, drawto, drawcurve"
    exp eval.
    EL next ← 0373; nextword ← DL wordposition - p]

append: x
    [⇑DL append: x]
Bcpl: s pad: n | slen [
    "write a Bcpl string and padding to fill n bytes (used by close)"
    slen ← s length min: n-1.
    DL next ← slen; append: s◦(1 to: slen); next: n-(slen+1) ← 0]
classInit | a p ["PressFile classInit."
    Smalltalk declare: ↪PressScale as: 32.
    recordsize ← 512.
    SMentity ← 5.

    a ← (String new: 250) asStream.
"from [Maxc1]<Altodocs>NetTopology.Press, October 1980. in order of net number"
    printers ← ↪(
        "net #"    "printer names"
        " 1"        ’Navajo’            "HENRIETTA"
        " 3"        ’Menlo’ ’Clover’ ’Lilac’ "PARC: BLDG 35, FLOOR 2"
        " 5"        ’Kanji’                    "PARC: BLDG 34"
        " 6"        ’Wonder’ ’Quake’    "PARC: BLDG 35, FLOOR 1&3"
        "10"        ’Puff’                    "A&E"
        "12"        ’White’ ’Colorado’    "PASADENA"
        "14"        ’Niagara’ ’Tioga’        "WEBSTER"
        "20"        ’Yoda’            "PARC: BLDG 32"
        "21"        ’Lily’             "SPG"
        "23"        ’Ranger’            "DALLAS"
        "26"        ’Windfall’        "DC"
        "27"        ’Genesee’        "WEBSTER"
        "33"        ’Amarok’        "TORONTO"
        "34"        ’Yankee’        "STAMFORD"
        "36"        ’Cyclops’        "LEESBURG"
        "54"        ’Rover’            "A&E"
        "55"        ’SPGEng’ ’Emperor’        "A&E"
        "56"        ’Thud’                "A&E"
        "60"        ’Adelie’ ’Daisy’ ’RockHopper’     "BAYHILL"
        "62"        ’Bud’                "?"
    for⦂ p from: printers do⦂ [a append: p; cr].
    a append: ’same printer’; cr; append: ’no printer’.
    printerMenu ← Menu new string: a contents]
closeEntity [self closeEntity: SMentity]
closeEntity: etype [
    EL wordposition = ELstart⇒ []
    "Put a trailer into the EL"
    EL    padNext ← 0377;    "word-pad EL with <Nop>"
        next ← etype;
        next← 0; "fontset"
        "dlstart relative to DL location in file"
        nextNumber: 4 ← DLstart - (Pstart*recordsize);
        nextNumber: 4 ← DL position - DLstart;
        nextPoint← eorigin; "entity origin"
        nextPoint← boundbox origin;
        nextPoint← boundbox extent.
    EL nextword ← EL wordposition - ELstart + 1.
    self startEntity]
closePage [
    self closeEntity.
    EL empty⇒ []
    DL    padNext ← 0;
        nextword ← 0;
        append: EL asReadStream.
    self part: 0 start: Pstart]
data ["slightly dangerous" ⇑DL]
padpage ["words of padding to end of page" ⇑(DL pad: recordsize with: 0) / 2]
padword [
    "make object (lines or dots) start on word boundary"
    [DL padNext ← 0⇒ [self skipchars: 1]].
    ⇑DL wordposition]
part⦂ exp code: c | fp [
    self closePage.
    fp ← self recordnum.
    exp eval.
    self part: c start: fp]
part: type start: start | padding [
    padding ← self padpage.
    parts nextword ← type;
        nextword ← start;
        nextword ← self recordnum - start;
        nextword ← padding.
    self startPage]
recordnum [⇑DL positionSize: recordsize]
skipcode: code data: s | t [
    "called by hidePress:complete:. s is a String"
    (t ← s length+1) < 256⇒ [
        "immediate, in EL"
        self skipcontrol: t.
        EL next ← code; append: s]
    "in DL"
    DL next ← code; append: s.
    self skipcontrol: t type: SMentity]
startEntity [
    DLstart ← DL position.
    ELstart ← EL wordposition.
    boundbox ← 0 asRectangle.
    eorigin ← 0⌾0.
    estate all ← ¬1.
    estate◦1 ← 0]
startPage [
    EL reset.
    Pstart ← self recordnum.
    self startEntity]

filin | p [
    self open.
    while⦂ (p ← self nextParagraph) do⦂ [
        FilinSource ← self.
        user print: nilⓢ p text; space].
    FilinSource ← nil.
    self close]
nextControl | command t entity [
    "return the next skip-control information"
    command ← nil.
    while⦂ true do⦂ [
        (estate and⦂ command)≡false⇒ [
            "either or both false. get next entity"
            t ← EL next⇒ [
                estate ← EL next viewer. command ← nil.
                t◦1 ≠ SMentity⇒ ["ignore this entity" estate ← false]
                DLstart ← (t◦(3 to: 6)) asStream nextNumber: 4.
                DL position ← Pstart*recordsize + DLstart]

            "no more entities on current part (page)"
            self readPart⇒ []
            "no more pages"

        entity ← estate.
    while⦂ (command ← entity next) do⦂ [
    "some stuff arranged by probable frequency"
    < 0100⇒ [
        "show-characters-short (0-037)
        skip-characters-short (040-077)"
        DL skip: (command land: 037) +1];
    = 0356⇒ ["set-x" entity nextword];
    = 0357⇒ ["set-y" entity nextword];
    < 0140⇒ [
        "show-characters-and-skip (0100-0137)"
        DL skip: (command land: 037) +2];
    < 0160⇒ [
        "set-space-x-short (0140-0147)
        set-space-y-short (0150-0157)"
        "(command land: 7)*256 +" entity next];
    < 0200⇒ ["font" "command land: 017"];
    = 0362⇒ [
        t ← entity nextword.
        entity next≠SMentity⇒ ["ignore" DL skip: t]
        ⇑DL next: t];
    = 0360⇒ ["show-characters" DL skip: entity next];
    = 0377⇒ ["nop"];

    < 0353⇒ [
        "available (0200-0237)
        spare (0240-0352)"];
    = 0353⇒ [
        ⇑entity next: entity next];
    = 0354⇒ ["alternative" entity skipwords: 5];
    = 0355⇒ ["only-on-copy" entity next];
    = 0361⇒ ["skip characters" DL skip: entity next];

    = 0363⇒ ["show-character-immediate" entity next];
    < 0366⇒ [
        "set-space-x (0364)
        set-space-y (0365)" entity nextword];
    < 0370⇒ [
        "reset-space (0366)
        space (0367)" ];
    < 0373⇒ [
        "set-brightness (0370)
        set-hue (0371)
        set-saturation (0372)" entity next];

    = 0373⇒ ["show-object" DL skipwords: entity nextword];
    < 0376⇒ [
        "show-dots (0374)
        show-dots-opaque (0375)"
        DL skipwords: (entity nextNumber: 4)];
    = 0376⇒ ["show-rectangle" entity skipwords: 2]
nextParagraph | s p [
    s ← self nextControl⇒ [
        s ← s asStream.
        p ← Paragraph new.
        s next = p pressCode⇒ [⇑p fromPress: self value: s]
open | t [
    "read the parts (and font directory?)"
    DL readonly; "reopen?" settoend; skip: 0 - recordsize.
    DL nextword = 27183 and⦂ DL nextword = (self recordnum + 1)⇒ [
        t ← DL nextword.
        DL position: DL nextword size: recordsize.
        parts ← (DL next: t*8) viewer.
        self readPart]
    self error: ’not a press file’]
readPart | t [
    "read parts until we find a printed page or end"
    estate ← false.
    while⦂ (t ← parts nextword) do⦂ [
        Pstart ← parts nextword.
        t ≠ 0⇒ [
            "not a printed page"
            parts skip: 4.
            t> 0⇒ ["font or other part"]
            "a non-standard part. let document (estate?) interpret"
            "DL position ← Pstart*recordsize.
            estate fromPress: self name: t value: DL"]

        "go to end of last record of entity list, ignoring padding"
        t ← parts nextword "length".
        DL position ← Pstart+t * recordsize - ((1 + parts nextword) * 2).
        EL ← Set new vector: 50.

        "scan backwards for beginning of entity list, reading entities"
        while⦂ (t ← DL nextword) > 0 do⦂ [
            t < 12⇒ [user notify: ’illegal entity’]
            DL skipwords: 0-t.
            "read entity and trailer (last 12 words of entity)"
            EL next ← DL next: t-12 *2.
            EL next ← DL next: 24.
            DL skipwords: ¬1 - t].
        "now reverse: trailer, entity (1st), ... (last)"
        ⇑EL ← (EL asArray◦(EL length to: 1 by: ¬1)) asStream]

SystemOrganization classify: ↪PressFile under: ’Press File Support’.
PressFile classInit

Class new title: ’WidthTable’
    subclassof: Object
    fields: ’name "<String> name of font family"
        pointsize "<Integer> size in points"
        face "<Integer> Press face code"
        min "<Integer> min character code in font"
        max "<integer> max character code in font"
        "Ascent, descent, and width are in micas"
        ascent "<Integer> max ascent of characters in font"
        descent "<Integer> NEGATIVE max descent of characters in font"
        widths "<Vector of Integers> widths of characters"
    declare: ’tab WidthDict ’;

Holds font parameters and width table for a Press font. It knows how to load itself from FONTS.WIDTHS.

    [WidthDict ← Dictionary init.
    tab ← 500]
lookup | key font i [
    key ← name + pointsize asString + (↪(’’ ’I’ ’B’ ’BI’)◦(face+1)).
    font ← WidthDict lookup: key⇒ [⇑font]
    self fontfrom: (dp0 oldFile: ’Fonts.Widths’) readonly.
    for⦂ i from: ↪(011 015 040) do⦂
        [i ≥ min and⦂ i ≤ max ⇒ [widths◦(i-min+1) ← 0]].
    WidthDict insert: key with: self.
named: name pointsize: pointsize face: face

ascent [⇑ascent]
descent [⇑descent]
face [⇑face]
max [⇑max]
min [⇑min]
name [⇑name]
pointsize [⇑pointsize]
scan: strm until: width exceeds: maxw | char w [
    while⦂ (char ← strm next) do⦂
        [char < min ⇒
            [char=040 or⦂ (char=015 or⦂ char=011) ⇒ [⇑char, width]
            user notify: ’char too low’]
        char > max ⇒ [user notify: ’char too high’]
        (w ← widths◦(char+1-min)) = 0 ⇒ [⇑char, width]
        (width ← width + w) > maxw ⇒ [⇑true, width]
    ⇑false, width]
space [⇑150]
tab [⇑tab]
tab ← t [tab ← t]

findfield: n on: file | IXH [
    while⦂ [
        IXH ← file nextword.
        (IXH bits: (0 to: 3)) "type"
            = 0 ⇒ [user notify: ’field not found’];
            ≠ n]
        [file skipwords: (IXH land: 07777 "length") - 1]]
fontfrom: file | i code fam fmin fmax start len found w scale
    ["find code for font family"
    file reset. fam ← ’’.
    until⦂ (fam = name) do⦂
        [self findfield: 1 on: file.
        code ← file nextword.
        fam ← file next: (len ← file next).
        file skip: 19 - len].
    "now search for proper face"
    found ← false.
    "Convert from points to micas"
    scale ← (pointsize asFloat * 2540 / 72) asInteger.
    until⦂ found do⦂
        [self findfield: 4 on: file.
        found ← [file next = code].
        [file next ≠ face ⇒ [found ← false]].
        fmin ← file next.
        fmax ← file next.
        i ← file nextword. [i ≠ scale and: i ≠ 0 ⇒ [found ← false]].
        file skip: 4. start ← file nextword. file skip: 4].
    scale ← [i ≠ 0 ⇒ [1 "don’t need to scale"] pointsize asFloat * 254 / 7200].
    min ← fmin. max ← fmax.
    "get bb and x-tables"
    file wordposition← start+1.
    descent ← 0 - (scale * file nextword) asInteger.
    file nextword.
    ascent ← (scale * file nextword) asInteger.
    file nextword.
    widths ← Vector new: (max - min + 1).
    for⦂ i to: widths length do⦂
        [w ← file nextword.
        widths◦i ← [w > 0 ⇒ [(scale * w) asInteger] 0]].
    file close]

SystemOrganization classify: ↪WidthTable under: ’Press File Support’.
WidthTable classInit