’From Smalltalk 5.5k XM November 24 on 22 November 1980 at 2:57:08 am.’
Class new title: ’BitImage’
    subclassof: Image
    fields: ’strips nstrips’
    declare: ’brush aurora stripheightSPARE stripheight black white bitimagemenu erase SPARE color formmenu under reverse blankcursor over dotsetter ’;

This class is a virtual bit map represented as a smalltalk String

    ["sets up colors and effects for BITBLT."
    black ← 0-1.
    white ← 0.
    over ← 0.
    under ← 1.
    reverse ← 2.
    erase ← 3.
    brush ← Form new extent: 5⌾5. brush black.
    color ← 1.
    stripheight ← 20.
bitimagemenu ← Menu new string:
    aurora ← "Aurora new" nil.
fromImage: image
    ["creates a virtual bit map with width = (image width) and height = (image height) with the bits in image."
    self fromrectangle: image rectangle.
fromrectangle: rect | r i leftover image yposition
    ["creates a virtual bit map with width = (r width) , height = (r height)
     and the bits in rect. The Image is made up of forms that are stripheight high."
    super origin: rect origin extent: rect extent.
    nstrips ← (rect height + (stripheight -1))/stripheight.
    yposition ← 0.
    leftover ← rect height \ stripheight.
    [ (leftover = 0) ⇒ [leftover ← stripheight]].
    r ← Rectangle new origin: rect origin extent: (rect width)⌾stripheight.
    for⦂ i to: nstrips do⦂
        [ i = nstrips ⇒ [ r extent ← ((rect width)⌾leftover)]].
        image ← Image new origin: (0⌾0) extent: rect extent.
        image form: (Form new fromrectangle: r) ; path: (0⌾yposition).
        self addimage: image.
        yposition ← yposition + stripheight.
        r translate: (0⌾stripheight).

    fromuser | r
    ["create a new Form whose rectangle is specified by the user. "
    r ← Rectangle new fromuser.
    self fromrectangle: r
fromuserevenword | r
    ["create a new BitImage whose rectangle is specified by the user,
        truncated to nearest multiple of 16 (for Spruce printing). "
    r ← Rectangle new fromuserevenword.
    self fromrectangle: r.

erase | i
    ["sets all bits in the BitImage to white ( to zeros)"
    for⦂ i to: nstrips do⦂ [ (strips◦i) white]
    ⇑ nstrips
nstrips: nstrips
    ["return the set of Forms making up this BitImage)"
    ⇑ strips
strips: strips

    ["see class Image"
frame [ ⇑ rectangle]
moveto: pt
    [self translateto: pt

read: filename | file subimage strip yposition i
    ["Reads the Image in the format nstrips , Form(1) , Form(2) , Form(3) . . .
        Form(nstips). Where each Form is saved as width,height then bits. "
        self origin: 0⌾0 extent: 1⌾1.
        yposition ← 0.
        file← (dp0 oldFile: filename) readonly.
        nstrips ← file nextword.
        for⦂ i to: nstrips do⦂
                strip ← Form new fromInstance: file.
                self addform: strip andpath: (0⌾yposition).
                yposition← yposition+ strip height.
        file close.
write: filename | file subimage
    ["Saves the Form in the format nstrips , Form(1) , Form(2) , Form(3) . . .
        Form(nstips). Where each Form is saved as width,height then bits. "
        file ← (dp0 file: filename).
        file nextword← nstrips.
        for⦂ subimage from: self do⦂ [ file append: (subimage form) asInstance. ]
        file close.

displayat: path effect: effect clippedBy: cliprect
    super displayat: path effect: effect clippedBy: cliprect
    super displayat: (0⌾0) effect: 0 clippedBy: user screenrect

copy | t i
    ["return a copy of myself"
    t ← BitImage new origin: (origin copy) extent: (self extent) copy.
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂ [ t add: (self◦i) copy].
    ⇑ t
pressCode [⇑3]
printon: strm | t
    strm append: ’a Bitmage: ’.
    ⇑ ’’

arc | pt1 pt2 pt3 p pt
    ["arc tool for forms."
    BlankCursor topage1.
    user clear; print: ’Redbug 3 points’; cr; print: ’Paints using current brush.’ .
    user waitnobug.
    until⦂ user redbug do⦂    [ pt1 ← self blinkbrush].
    brush displayat: pt1 effect: color clippedBy: user screenrect.
    user waitnobug.
    until⦂ user redbug do⦂        [ pt2 ← self blinkbrush].
    brush displayat: pt2 effect: color clippedBy: user screenrect.
    user waitnobug.
    until⦂ user redbug do⦂    [ pt3 ← self blinkbrush].
    brush displayat: pt3 effect: color clippedBy: user screenrect.
    XeqCursor show.
    p ← Path new init.
    p addarcfrom: pt1 via: pt2 to: pt3.
    for⦂ pt from: p do⦂
                    [ brush displayat: pt effect: color clippedBy: user screenrect].
    NormalCursor show
blinkbrush | pt
    ["to show current position of brush in the BitImage."
        pt ← self mp + rectangle origin.
        brush displayat: pt
            effect: 2 clippedBy: user screenrect.
        brush displayat: pt
            effect: 2 clippedBy: user screenrect.
    ⇑ pt
edit: superimage | bits
    ["uses the BitRect toolbox editor"
    XeqCursor show.
    dotsetter ← BitRectEditor new picture: self.
    dotsetter firsttime.
    NormalCursor show.
    while⦂ true do⦂ "forever"
        (dotsetter lostMouse and: (user anybug)) ⇒
                    [    dotsetter outside⇒ []
                        XeqCursor show.
                        dotsetter lasttime.
                        bits ← self fromrectangle: rectangle.
                        NormalCursor show.
                        ⇑ bits
        dotsetter eachtime
grayEdit | a b c i d p r v bits "edit up a gray pattern and return it"
    ["first a rectangle for it. Then redbug is black, yellow is white,
    blue terminates"
    r ← Rectangle new fromuser. bits←0.
    a ← r extent. a← (a x max: a y) | 4. a ← a⌾a.
    b ← r origin. r extent← a; color: white mode: storing; moveby: 0⌾(0-a y).
    c ← a/4. d ← b rect: b+c.
    until⦂ user bluebug do⦂ [
    user redbug ⇒[p ← user mp -b /c. i ← p y *4 +p x +1.
        i<1 or⦂ i>16 ⇒[r flash]
        d moveto: b+(c*p); color: black mode: storing.
        bits ← bits lor: (1 lshift: 16-i).
        r color: bits mode: storing. user waitnobug]
    user yellowbug ⇒[p ← user mp -b /c. i ← p y *4 +p x +1.
        i<1 or⦂ i>16 ⇒[r flash]
        d moveto: b+(c*p); color: white mode: storing.
        bits ← (¬1 lxor:(1 lshift: 16-i)) land: bits.
        r color: bits mode: storing. user waitnobug]
    ] ⇑bits]
"aa grayEdit base8 ."
horizontalsymmetry | r f i
    ["horizontal symmetry tool"
    user clear; show: ’Define rectangle. Reflection will be around lower edge’.
    r ← Rectangle new fromuser.
    XeqCursor show.
    for⦂ i to: ( r height) do⦂
        f ← Form new fromrectangle: (Rectangle new origin: ((r origin x)⌾((r bottom)-i)) extent: ((r width)⌾1)).
        f displayat: (r origin x)⌾((r bottom) +i) effect: 0 clippedBy: user screenrect.
    NormalCursor show.
line | pt1 pt2 p pt
    ["line tool for forms."
    BlankCursor topage1.
    until⦂ user redbug do⦂    [ pt1 ← self blinkbrush].
    brush displayat: pt1 effect: color clippedBy: user screenrect.
    until⦂ user nobug do⦂        [ pt2 ← self blinkbrush].
    brush displayat: pt2 effect: color clippedBy: user screenrect.
    p ← Path new init.
    p addlinefrom: pt1 to: pt2.
    for⦂ pt from: p do⦂
                    [ brush displayat: pt effect: color clippedBy: user screenrect].
    NormalCursor topage1
newbrush | pt rect
    OriginCursor topage1.
    user waitbug.
    pt ← ( self mp)+ rectangle origin.
    rect ← pt rect: pt.    
    CornerCursor topage1.
    until⦂ user nobug do⦂
            [rect reverse.
            rect reverse.
            pt ←
            ( self mp)+ rectangle origin.
            rect corner ← (rect origin) max: pt.
    brush ← Form new fromrectangle: rect.
    NormalCursor topage1.
pastebrush | pt1
    ["one-copy tool for forms."
    user waitnobug.
    OriginCursor show.
    user waitbug.
    while⦂ user redbug do⦂
        [ pt1 ← self blinkbrush].
    XeqCursor show.
    brush displayat: pt1 effect: (dotsetter tool mode) clippedBy: user screenrect.
    NormalCursor show]
resize: superimage | pt f
    [dotsetter leave.
    CornerCursor topage1.
    user waitbug.
    until⦂ user nobug do⦂
            [self reverse.
            self reverse.
            ( pt ←
            (superimage mp)+
                 superimage rectangle origin).
            self corner← pt max: ((self origin) + (16⌾16)).
    self fromrectangle: rectangle.
    self white ; display.
    NormalCursor topage1.
    self edit: superimage
rotate | r f i j
    ["90 degree rotation tool"
    r ← Rectangle new fromuser.
    for⦂ i to: ( r width) do⦂
        for⦂ j to: ( r height) do⦂
            f ← Form new fromrectangle: (Rectangle new origin: (((r origin x)+i)⌾(r top+j)) extent: (1⌾1)).
            f displayat: (((r corner x)+j))⌾((r top)+i) effect: 0 clippedBy: user screenrect.
setfigure | t
    ["for now just increment the figure color by 1 \ 12"
    figure ← (figure +1 ) \ 12.
    for⦂ t from: self do⦂ [ (t form) figure: figure].
    self display
setground | t
    ["for now just increment the ground color by 1 \ 12"
    ground ← (ground +1 ) \ 12.
    for⦂ t from: self do⦂ [ (t form) ground: ground].
    self display
verticalsymmetry | r f i
    ["vertical symmetry tool"
    user clear; show: ’Define rectangle. Reflection will be around right-hand edge’.
    r ← Rectangle new fromuser.
    XeqCursor show.
    for⦂ i to: ( r width) do⦂
        f ← Form new fromrectangle: (Rectangle new origin: (((r origin x)+(r width)-i)⌾(r top)) extent: (1⌾(r height))).
        f displayat: ((r corner x) + i)⌾(r top) effect: 0 clippedBy: user screenrect.
    NormalCursor show.
yellowbug |
    bitimagemenu bug
                =1⇒    [self resize: superimage
                        ]; "change size"
                =2⇒    [self setfigure];        
                =3⇒    [self setground];        
                =4⇒    [self newbrush];        
                =5⇒    [self pastebrush];        
                =6⇒    [self arc ];
                =7⇒    [Rectangle new fromuser fillin: ((dotsetter tool) tone)
                            mode: ((dotsetter tool) mode) ];
                =8⇒ [(dotsetter tool) shade];
                =9⇒ [self verticalsymmetry];
                =10⇒ [self horizontalsymmetry];
                =11⇒ [self rotate]

SystemOrganization classify: ↪BitImage under: ’FPI Packages’.
BitImage classInit

Class new title: ’BorderedText’
    subclassof: TextImage
    fields: ’’
    declare: ’’;

This class has not yet been commented

displayat: pt effect: effect clippedBy: cliprect | origin corner
    ["display text and border around it "
    super displayat: pt effect: effect clippedBy: cliprect.
    origin ← frame origin.
    corner ← frame corner.
    (Rectangle new
        origin: origin-(1⌾1) corner: (corner x+1)⌾origin y)
    color: ¬1 mode: effect;
    moveto: (origin x-1)⌾corner y; color: ¬1 mode: effect;
    origin ← corner x⌾(origin y-1); color: ¬1 mode: effect;
    moveto: origin-(1⌾1); color: ¬1 mode: effect

copy | t
    t ← BorderedText new paragraph: para copy frame: (frame copy) style: style copy.
    t c1← c1 ; c2← c2 ; begintypein ← begintypein.
    ⇑ t
pressCode [⇑6]
presson: press in: r | scale
    scale ← press scale.
    press setp: (r origin x- scale)⌾(r corner y-(3*scale)) ;
        showrectwidth: (scale*(2+self width)) height: scale.
    press setp: (r origin x- scale)⌾(r corner y-((self height+5)*scale)) ;
        showrectwidth: (scale*(2+self width)) height: scale.
    press setp: (r origin x- scale)⌾(r corner y-(scale*(self height+4))) ;
        showrectwidth: scale height: (scale*(self height+2)).
    press setp: (r origin x+(scale*(self width)))⌾(r corner y-(scale*(self height+4))) ;
        showrectwidth: scale height: (scale*(self height+2)).

⇑ para presson: press in: r.

SystemOrganization classify: ↪BorderedText under: ’FPI Packages’.

Class new title: ’Document’
    subclassof: Image
    fields: ’displayorder style’
    declare: ’leading micasperinch ’;

basic document class

bubbledelete: image | delta i k
    ["delete image from the document and subtracting images extent y from all subimages below it."
    i ← self find: image.
    i⇒ [
            self deleteI: i .
            delta ← image extent y.
            for⦂ k from: i to: self length do⦂
                (self◦k) translate: (0⌾(0-delta))
bubbleinsert: image | delta i k
    ["insert image into the document keeping the document y-sorted and adding images extent y to all subimages below it."
    i ← self findindex: image.
    self insertI: i value: image.
    delta ← image extent y.
    for⦂ k from: i+1 to: self length do⦂
        (self◦k) translate: (0⌾delta)
delete: image | i
    ["delete image from the document and leave its space. "
    i ← self find: image.
    i⇒ [ self deleteI: i.]
    ["Documents are edited with a DocumentEditor"
    DocumentEditor new init: self.
findindex: image | y guess top bottom
    ["binary search on the origins of the rectangles surrounding my subimages
        returns the index of the subimage just below image."
    position = 0 ⇒ [ ⇑ 1]
    top ← 1.
    bottom ← position.
    y← image rectangle origin y.
    y ≤ ((self◦1) rectangle origin y) ⇒ [ ⇑ 1].
    y ≥ ((self◦position) rectangle origin y) ⇒ [ ⇑ position+1]
    guess ← position/2.
    until⦂ bottom = (top+1) do⦂
            [((self◦guess) rectangle origin y) ≥ y ⇒ [ bottom ← guess ] top ← guess].
            guess ← (bottom + top) /2
    ⇑ bottom
insert: image | i
    ["insert image into the document keeping the document y-sorted."
    i ← self findindex: image.
    self insertI: i value: image.
resize | delta t
    ["make sure the document does not have subimages that have negative y values and resize the document"
    [position ≥ 1 ⇒
        (delta ← (self◦1) top) ≤ 0 ⇒
            for⦂ t from: self do⦂ [ t translate: (0⌾(0-delta)) ]
    super resize

    micasperinch ← 2540.
[ ⇑ displayorder
"returns the name of the document ( displayorder is currently used for name... note that name is a string."
name: displayorder
    ["sets the name of the document ( displayorder is currently used for name... note that name is a string."

copy | im i
    im ← Document new origin: origin copy rectangle: rectangle copy path: path copy form: form copy figure: figure copy ground: ground copy xgrid: xgrid copy ygrid: ygrid copy.
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂
        [im add: (self◦i) copy].
    im name: (self name) copy.
    ⇑ im
fromPress: displayorder | press s
    ["retrieves an instance of class Document from a press file"
    user displayoffwhile⦂
    self default.
     press ← (dp0 pressfile: displayorder). press open.
    s ← (press nextControl) asStream.
    s next = self pressCode ⇒ [self fromPress: press value: s]
    user notify: ’error in pressfile’.
fromPress: press value: s | numberofsubimages t t1 i code
    ["builds an instance of class Document from a press file"
    numberofsubimages← s nextword.
    origin ← s nextPoint.
    t ← s nextPoint.
    t1 ← s nextPoint.
    rectangle ← t rect: t1.
    xgrid ← s nextword.
    ygrid ← s nextword.
    displayorder← s nextString.    
    for⦂ i to: numberofsubimages do⦂
                [s ← (press nextControl) asStream.
                code ← s next.
                t ← [code = 1⇒ [Image new]; = 2⇒ [Heading new];
                    = 3⇒ [BitImage new] false].
                t and⦂ code = t pressCode⇒ [
                    self addimage: (t fromPress: press value: s)]
                user notify: ’illegal code or code mismatch’]    
    ⇑ self
hardcopy |    p i press bottoms rect pressscale pageheight pagewidth lastrect                 currentrect oldytop oldybottom
    oldytop ← 11*micasperinch.
    pageheight ← 11*micasperinch.
    pagewidth← 8*micasperinch.
    user displayoffwhile⦂
    press ← dp0 pressfile: (displayorder + ’.doc’).
    pressscale ← press scale.
    self hidePress: press complete: ¬1.
    p ← PressPrinter init.
    p press: press;
        frame ← ("in micas"
                ((1*micasperinch)⌾(1*micasperinch)) rect:

    lastrect ← ((self◦1) rectangle)*pressscale.
    rect ← ((lastrect leftside)⌾(1*micasperinch))
    rect: ((lastrect rightside) ⌾(pageheight - (lastrect top))).
    oldybottom ← p print: self◦1 in: rect.
    for⦂ i from: (2 to: self length) do⦂
            [oldybottom > oldytop⇒
                ["page break" oldytop ← pageheight-micasperinch.
            currentrect← ((self◦i) rectangle) * pressscale.
            [(currentrect top > lastrect bottom)⇒
                [oldytop ← oldybottom+(lastrect bottom-currentrect top)"no overlap"]
                oldytop ← (oldytop+(lastrect top-currentrect top))"overlap"].
            rect ← ((currentrect leftside)⌾(1*micasperinch))
            rect: ((currentrect rightside) ⌾(oldytop)).
            oldybottom ← p print: (self◦i) in: rect.
            lastrect ← ((self◦i) rectangle)*pressscale.

    press close; toPrinter "send over ethernet to printer"]
hideData: complete | s
    ["stores an instance of class Document from a press file"
    s ← Stream new of: (String new: 100).
    s nextword← self length; "number of subimages"
        nextPoint← origin;
        nextPoint← rectangle origin;
        nextPoint← rectangle corner;
        nextword← xgrid;
        nextword← ygrid;
        nextString← displayorder.    
    ⇑ s contents]
pressCode [⇑0]
printon: strm | t
    strm append: ’a Document ’.

SystemOrganization classify: ↪Document under: ’FPI Packages’.
Document classInit

Class new title: ’DocumentEditor’
    subclassof: Window
    fields: ’document documentwindow screenimage firstindex lastindex
    indexofselection selection ’
    declare: ’jumpcursor documentmenu scrap blankcursor ’;

This class has not yet been commented

buildscreenimage | i r delta
    ["This function copies the subimages intersecting the document window
        into the screen image."
    screenimage ← Image new origin: self frame origin extent: self frame extent.
    screenimage xgrid: (document xgrid) ; ygrid: (document ygrid).
    delta ← documentwindow origin y.
    firstindex ← 1.
        " find the index of the first subimage that intersects the document window."
    until⦂ ((firstindex≥(document length)) or⦂
        ((((document◦firstindex) rectangle) bottom) > (documentwindow top))) do⦂
        [firstindex ← firstindex+1].
    lastindex ← firstindex.
    for⦂ i from: (firstindex to: document length) do⦂
            ((((document◦i) rectangle) top) < (documentwindow bottom))⇒
                    [lastindex ← i. screenimage add: (((document◦i) "copy")
                                                    translate: 0⌾0 - (0⌾delta))
                    ] ⇑ lastindex
" DocumentEditor classInit. "
[    documentmenu ← Menu new string:
    jumpcursor ← Cursor new fromtext: ’
1111111111111111’ offset: 2⌾1.

    self defaultdocument: ’document’
defaultdocument: name | defaultdocument run r textimage f im dot heading head text char b image row
[" name is a string"
    defaultdocument ← Document new origin: 0⌾0
                                    extent: (user screenrect) extent.
    defaultdocument name: name.
    defaultdocument xgrid: DefaultTextStyle tab.
    defaultdocument ygrid: DefaultTextStyle lineheight.
    textimage ← BorderedText new.
    textimage text: ’Text that is bordered’ width: 200.
    defaultdocument addform: textimage andpath: 0⌾0.

    textimage ← TextImage new.
    textimage text: ’This is a paragraph’ width: 600.
    defaultdocument addform: textimage andpath: 0⌾0.
    b ← BitImage new fromrectangle:
                (Rectangle new origin: 0⌾200 extent: 100⌾100).
    defaultdocument insert: b.
    head ← Set new default.
    text ← ’HEADING’.
    for⦂ char from: text do⦂ [ head add: char ].
    heading ← Heading new origin: 0⌾400 index: 9 charactercodes: head
        currentcharacter: 0.
    defaultdocument insert: heading.
    "defaultdocument insert: CurveIdiom new init."
    self init: defaultdocument.
init: document | i
    ["This is the paragraph (subimage) level document editor."
    self fixedwidthfromuser: document width.
    documentwindow ← Rectangle new origin: document rectangle origin
                                    extent: (document width) ⌾ (self frame height).
    self buildscreenimage.
    selection ← false.
    user topWindow leave.
    self takeCursor; enter.
    user restartup: self

    XeqCursor show.
    document close.
    document ← nil.
    screenimage ← Vector new: 0.
    NormalCursor show
enter [selection ← false. self show]
    ["write a press file and hardcopy this document"
    self leave.
    self top.
    document hardcopy
kbd | c x y
     c ← user kbd.
    c = 120⇒
        [ user clearshow: ’x gridding is ’. document xgrid print.
        user cr.
        document xgrid: (x←
        (user request: ’x gridding . . . ’) asInteger).
        screenimage xgrid: x.
    c = 121⇒
        [ user clearshow: ’y gridding is ’. document ygrid print.
        user cr.
        document ygrid: (y←
        (user request: ’y gridding . . . ’) asInteger).
        screenimage ygrid: y.
    document ≡ nil ⇒ []
    [selection⇒ [ selection highlite]].
    self update ; buildscreenimage.
    selection ← false.
    ["write a press file and hardcopy this document"
    document hardcopy
redbug | pt rect newrect start t
    [pt ← user mp.
    rect←newrect←(Rectangle new origin: start corner: start).
    [selection⇒ [selection highlite. self deselect. selection ← false.]].
    while⦂ user anybug do⦂
        rect comp.
        t←user mp.
        newrect←(Rectangle new origin: (start min: t) corner: (start max: t)).
        rect comp].
    (rect width < 10) ⇒
        selection ←
            screenimage smallestsubimageat: pt- screenimage origin.
                selection translate: screenimage origin.
                selection edit: screenimage.
                selection translate: ((0⌾0) - screenimage origin).
                selection ← false.
        rect origin ← screenimage griddedpoint: (rect origin).
        selection ← screenimage subimageswithin:
                                    (rect translate: ((0⌾0)- screenimage origin)).
        selection ⇒
        [selection translate: screenimage origin ; highlite]
yellowbug | pt
    documentmenu bug
        =1⇒[self move];
        =2⇒[self delete];
        =3⇒[self place];
        =4⇒[self cut];
        =5⇒[self paste];
        =6⇒[self copyselection];
        =7⇒[self top];
        =8⇒[self bottom];
        =9⇒[self jump];
        =10⇒[self addspace];
        =11⇒[self deletespace];
        =12⇒[self deselect. selection ← false. self show]

    [self update.
    self fixedwidthfromuser: document width.
    self buildscreenimage ; show.
show [
    XeqCursor show.
    self outline .
    titleframe put: (Paragraph new text: self title runs: titlerun alignment: 0)
        at: frame origin+titleloc; window outline; show.
    screenimage white.
    screenimage displayat: 0⌾0 effect: 1 clippedBy: self frame.
    selection ⇒ [ selection boxcomp].
    NormalCursor show

title [ ⇑ document name]

addspace | image i k r delta
    ["add whitespace to the document ."
    self update. selection ← false.
    r ← document rectanglefromuser.
    i ← (document indexofsubimagebelow: (r top- screenimage top) + documentwindow top).
    [i⇒     [
            delta ← r height.
            for⦂ k from: i to: document length do⦂
                (document◦k) translate: (0⌾(delta))
        document resize
    self buildscreenimage ; show.
bottom | i delta
    ["translate the current selection to the bottom of the window and update the document to reflect any changes in the subimages which are scrolled out of the screenimage."
        delta ← (selection rectangle corner - screenimage rectangle corner).
        self update. selection ← false.
        documentwindow translate: (0⌾ (delta y)). "move window on document"
        self buildscreenimage ; show.
            "reconstruct screen image, including reestablishing first and last indices"
        self update.
        documentwindow ← Rectangle new origin:
                                            (document rectangle corner-self frame height)
                                        extent: (document width) ⌾ (self frame height).
        self buildscreenimage ; show.
    scrap ≡ nil⇒ []
    scrap close
copy |
    ["copy the selection and put it in scrap"
    self copyselection
copyselection |
    ["copy the selection and put it in scrap"
        XeqCursor show.
        self closeScrap.
        scrap ← selection copy.
        NormalCursor show
    frame flash
cut | t
    ["delete subimage (paragraph) from the screenimage and save it in the scrap"
        XeqCursor show.
        self closeScrap.
        scrap ← selection.
        self update.
        for⦂ t from: selection do⦂
            document bubbledelete: t.
        selection ← false.
        self buildscreenimage ; show.
        NormalCursor show
    frame flash
delete | t
    ["delete subimage (paragraph) from the screenimage and save it in the scrap"
        XeqCursor show.
        self closeScrap.
        scrap ← selection.
        selection highlite ; display: 3.
        for⦂ t from: selection do⦂
        [screenimage delete: t
        selection ← false.
        NormalCursor show.
    frame flash
deletespace | image i k r delta
    ["delete whitespace from the document ."
    self update. selection ← false.
    r ← document rectanglefromuser.
    i ← (document indexofsubimagebelow: (r top - screenimage top) + documentwindow top).
    [i⇒     [
            delta ← r height.
            for⦂ k from: i to: document length do⦂
                (document◦k) translate: (0⌾(0-delta))
        document resize
    self buildscreenimage ; show.
deselect | t
        [selection⇒ [
                        selection translate: ((0⌾0) - screenimage origin).
                        for⦂ t from: selection do⦂
                            [t translate: selection origin

    [titlepara←document name asParagraph.
    super editTitle.
    document name: titlepara text]
    | y deltay yprime deltayprime rect pt newY scal r
    [user waitnobug.
    XeqCursor show.
    self update.
    y ← document height.
    yprime ← frame height.
    deltay ← (documentwindow origin y) - (document origin y).
    scal←yprime asFloat/y.
    deltayprime ← (scal*deltay) asInteger.
    pt ← ((screenimage leftside+((1.0-scal)*frame width/2))⌾((screenimage top) + deltayprime)).
    document quickDisplayAt: 0⌾0 scale: scal offset: (frame minX + ((1.0-scal)*frame width/2))⌾frame minY.
    rect←0⌾0 rect: 1⌾1.
    rect origin ← pt.
    rect corner x←pt x +(scal*frame width) asInteger.
    rect corner y←pt y + (scal*frame height) asInteger.
    user cursorloc←pt.
    OriginCursor show.
    user waitbug.
    [user redbug
            [rect comp.
            while⦂ user redbug do⦂
                [r←rect copy.
                newY←user mp y.
                [newY<(frame minY- rect height) ⇒ [newY←frame minY-rect height]].
                [newY>frame maxY ⇒ [newY←frame maxY]].
                rect translateto: pt x⌾newY.
                r comp.
                rect comp].
            rect comp.
            XeqCursor show.
            deltayprime ← newY - (frame origin y).
            deltay ← y*deltayprime/yprime.
            documentwindow translateto: (0⌾deltay).
            selection ← false]].
    self buildscreenimage.
    self show.
    NormalCursor show]
move | pt t
    ["used to place subimages (paragraphs) in the Image."
            [user waitnobug.
            OriginCursor show.
            user waitbug.
            selection highlite ; displayat: 0⌾0 effect: 3 clippedBy: frame.
            while⦂ user redbug do⦂
                [pt ←screenimage mp + screenimage rectangle origin.
                selection translateto: pt.
                selection blink].
            XeqCursor show.
            selection displayat: 0⌾0 effect: 1 clippedBy: frame .
            self deselect.
            selection ← false.
            NormalCursor show]
        frame flash]
paste | pt t

["add the subimage (paragraph) in the scrap to the screenimage."
        selection⇒ [selection highlite]].
        self update.
        selection ← scrap copy.
        OriginCursor showwhile⦂
        user waitbug.
        until⦂ user nobug do⦂
            pt ←screenimage mp + screenimage rectangle origin.
            selection translateto: pt ; blink
        selection displayat: 0⌾0 effect: 1 clippedBy: self frame .
    self deselect.
    for⦂ t from: selection do⦂
        document bubbleinsert: (t translate: documentwindow origin).
    selection ← false.
    self buildscreenimage ; show.
place | pt tempimage t

["add the image in the scrap to the screenimage."
    [selection⇒[selection highlite]].
    self deselect.
    selection ← scrap copy.
        OriginCursor showwhile⦂
        user waitbug.
        until⦂ user nobug do⦂
            pt ←screenimage mp + screenimage rectangle origin.
            selection translateto: pt ; blink
    selection displayat: 0⌾0 effect: 1 clippedBy: self frame.
    self deselect.
    for⦂ t from: selection do⦂
            screenimage add: t.
    selection ← false.
top | i delta
    ["translate the current selection to the top of the window and update the document to reflect any changes in the subimages which are scrolled out of the screenimage."
        delta ← (selection rectangle origin - screenimage rectangle origin).
        self update. selection ← false.
        documentwindow translate: (0⌾ (delta y)). "move window on document"
         self buildscreenimage ; show.
            "reconstruct screen image, including reestablishing first and last indices"
    self update.
    documentwindow ← Rectangle new origin: document rectangle origin
                                    extent: (document width) ⌾ (self frame height).
    self buildscreenimage ; show.
update | i
    ["update the document to reflect any changes in the subimages ."
    XeqCursor topage1.
        [selection⇒    [self deselect]].
        document deleteI: firstindex to: lastindex. "update document"
        for⦂ i to: screenimage length do⦂
            [document insert:
                            (screenimage◦i translate: (0⌾documentwindow origin y)).
    document resize.
    NormalCursor topage1.

SystemOrganization classify: ↪DocumentEditor under: ’FPI Packages’.
DocumentEditor classInit

Class new title: ’Heading’
    subclassof: Image
    fields: ’formset index charactercodes currentcharacter’
    declare: ’headingmenu ’;

This class has not yet been commented

    ["menu for the Heading edits."

headingmenu ← Menu new string:

origin: origin formset: formset currentcharacter: currentcharacter
    ["initilization of a Heading (used in copy)"
    [formset is: Integer⇒ [ formset ← FormSet new fromstyle:
                        DefaultTextStyle styleindex: formset.]].
    self origin: origin extent: (200⌾formset height).
origin: origin index: index charactercodes: charactercodes
        currentcharacter: currentcharacter | char w delta
    ["initilization of a Heading (used in copy)"
    formset ← FormSet new fromstyle:
                        DefaultTextStyle styleindex: index.
    [ nil ≡ charactercodes ⇒ [ charactercodes ← Set new default]].
    self origin: origin extent: (200⌾formset height).
    w ← 0.
    delta ← origin copy.
    self translate: (0⌾0 - delta).        
    for⦂ char from: charactercodes do⦂
        [    char ← formset asForm: char.
            self addpath: w⌾0 andform: char.
            w ← w + char width.
    self translate: delta.
    ⇑ self

down | delta
    ["move the current character down one bit."
    self boxcomp.
    (self◦currentcharacter) translate: (0⌾1).
    delta ← origin copy.
    self translate: (0⌾0 - delta) ; resize ; translate: delta.
    self white ; display: 1.
    self boxcomp.
edit: parentimage | pt
    ["Simple Heading (line) editor for now."
    self display: 0.
    until⦂ 1=2 do⦂ "forever for now"
        user kbck⇒
        [ self typein ]
        user yellowbug ⇒    [
            headingmenu bug
                =1⇒    [self right]; "move current character right one bit"
                =2⇒    [self left]; "move current character left one bit"
                =3⇒    [self up]; "move current character up one bit"
                =4⇒    [self down]; "move current character down one bit"
                =5⇒    [self newfont] "change fonts"
        user redbug ⇒         [(rectangle has: (pt← user mp))⇒
                                        [pt ← pt - (rectangle origin).
                                        currentcharacter← self indexofsubimageat: pt.
                                            self◦currentcharacter displayat: self origin
                                            effect: 2 clippedBy: user screenrect.
                                            self◦currentcharacter displayat: self origin
                                            effect: 2 clippedBy: user screenrect.
                                        ⇑ self
        user bluebug ⇒         [
                                    ⇑ self.
                                    ] "exit back to the parentimage"
left | i delta
    ["move the current character and all those to the right of it to the left one bit."
    self boxcomp.
    for⦂ i from: (currentcharacter to: self length) do⦂
        [ (self◦i) translate: (0⌾0) -(1⌾0) ].
    delta ← origin copy.
    self translate: (0⌾0 - delta) ; resize ; translate: delta.
    self white ; display: 1.
    self boxcomp.
newfont | w char charcount delta i
    index ←(user request: ’index of new font . . ’ ) asInteger.
    formset ← FormSet new fromstyle: DefaultTextStyle styleindex: index.
    self white.
    for⦂ i to: position do⦂ [ self◦i ← nil ].
    position ← 0.
    w ← 0.
    charcount ← 0.
    delta ← origin copy.
    self translate: (0⌾0 - delta).        
    for⦂ char from: charactercodes do⦂
        [nil≡ char ⇒ []
        char ← formset asForm: char.
        char displayat: delta+ (w⌾0) effect: 0 clippedBy: user screenrect.
        self addpath: w⌾0 andform: char.
        w ← w + char width.
        charcount ← charcount+1.
    self resize.
    self translate: delta.
    ⇑ self
right | i delta
    ["move the current character and all those to the right of it to the right one bit."
    self boxcomp.
    for⦂ i from: (currentcharacter to: self length) do⦂ [ (self◦i) translate: (1⌾0) ].
    delta ← origin copy.
    self translate: (0⌾0 - delta) ; resize ; translate: delta.
    self white ; display: 1.
    self boxcomp.
typein | w char charcount delta i
    self white.
    for⦂ i to: position do⦂ [ self◦i ← nil ].
    position ← 0.
    w ← 0.
    charcount ← 0.
    charactercodes ← Set new default.
    delta ← origin copy.
    self translate: (0⌾0 - delta).        
    until⦂ (char ← user kbd) = 13 do⦂
            (char = 8) ⇒"back space"
                    [charcount ≠ 0 ⇒ [
                                                 w ← w - ( (self◦charcount) width).
                                                (self◦charcount) white.
                                                self deleteimage: charcount.
                                                charactercodes deleteI: charcount.
                                                charcount ← charcount -1.
            charactercodes add: char.
            char ← formset asForm: char.
            char displayat: delta+ (w⌾0) effect: 0 clippedBy: user screenrect.
            self addpath: w⌾0 andform: char.
            w ← w + char width.
            charcount ← charcount+1.
    self resize.
    self translate: delta.
    ⇑ self
up | delta
    ["move the current character up one bit."
    self boxcomp.
    (self◦currentcharacter) translate: (0⌾0) - (0⌾1).
    delta ← origin copy.
    self translate: (0⌾0 - delta) ; resize ; translate: delta.
    self white ; display: 1.
    self boxcomp.

copy | h i
    h← Heading new origin: (rectangle origin) copy index: index charactercodes: (charactercodes copy)
        currentcharacter: currentcharacter copy.
    h rectangle: rectangle copy.
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂
        h add: (self◦i) copy
    ⇑ h
fromPress: press value: s | numberofcharacters i
    ["retrieves and builds an instance of class Heading from a press file"
    numberofcharacters← s nextword.
    origin ← s nextPoint.
    index ← s nextword.
    charactercodes ← Set new default.

    for⦂ i to: numberofcharacters do⦂
                [ charactercodes add: s nextword ]    
    ⇑ self origin: origin index: index charactercodes: charactercodes
        currentcharacter: 1
hideData: complete | s i
    ["stores an instance of class Heading on a press file"
    s ← Stream new of: (String new: 100).
    s nextword← self length; "number of characters"
        nextPoint← origin;
        nextword ← index.
    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂ [s nextword ← charactercodes◦i].
    ⇑ s contents]
pressCode [⇑2]
presson: press in: r | hs y t i pressscale [
    (hs ← press scale*self height) > r height⇒ [
        "not enough room left on current page.
        assume for now that it will at least fit on an entire page"
        ⇑ self]

    self hidePress: press complete: ¬1.
    pressscale ← press scale.
    press selectfont: (press fontindex: 16*index style: DefaultTextStyle) - 1.

    for⦂ i to: self length do⦂
        press setx: r leftside + ((self◦i) leftside*pressscale).
        press sety: r bottom - ((self◦i) top*pressscale).
        press showchar: (charactercodes◦i)
    ⇑ r bottom - ((self height)*pressscale)]
printon: strm | t [
    strm append: ’a Heading ’.

SystemOrganization classify: ↪Heading under: ’FPI Packages’.
Heading classInit